1-Day Introductory Training In Extended DISC and FinxS Worksheets
Write 4 key adjectives for each style and label the quadrant Exercise 1: Write 4 key adjectives for each style and label the quadrant Compliance Dominance The natural reaction of the four styles Steadiness Influence 2
Exercise 2: Place the combination adjective cards on the diamond (or number them to show…) where you think they fit best D I S C 3
The combination adjective cards Exercise 2: cont. The combination adjective cards Spontaneous Impulsive Energetic Careless Emotional Doesn’t listen Talkative Competitive Inspiring Inconsiderate Responsive Informal Trusting Telling Emotional Irrational Independent Sympathetic Participator Gesturing Goal-oriented Uses power Persuasive Positive Quick-witted Talkative Active Result focused Looks to Future Friendly Dispassionate Deliberate Persistent Competitive Industrious Plans Achieves People Demanding Is right Commanding Dominating Strong Controlling Direct Authoritarian Doesn’t listen Competitive Detailed Exact Perfectionist Distant Systematic Indecisive Withdrawn Logical Controlled Steady See next page for more Caring Accepting Steady Supportive Indecisive Careful Slow initiator Emotional Stubborn Calm Helpful Self-sacrificing Calm Stubborn Relaxed Submissive Careful Indecisive Thinker Quiet 4
The combination adjective cards Exercise 2: cont. The combination adjective cards Open Confident Enthusiastic Formal Detailed Reticent Correctness Attention Decisive Organised Logical Formal Independent Disciplined Exact Inflexible Pedantic Finds problems 5
Debrief a profile (your own or a sample) Exercise 3: Debrief a profile (your own or a sample) What is the natural Behavioural Style? What’s the Adjusted Style? Associated Adjectives What are the fears, pressures or avoidance issues of the natural style? What motivates the natural style? Reasons you may see for the adjustments or question that could be utilised around this adjustment. What is the preferred communication for your type of style? Anything else you’d like to mention? 6