Environmental Risk Management & Economic Development Steve Hilfiker & Tim Terwilliger Environmental Risk Management, Inc. www.ermi.net Bottom border ties back to ERMI website
Regulatory Developments 1969 - EPA 1970’s - Clean Air Act / Clean Water Act 1976 - RCRA – Hazardous Waste Management 1980’s - CERCLA – Superfund 1990’s - Fleet Factors Case: Liability 1996 Asset Conservation Act Liability Protection & Cleanup Programs
Florida ranks first in the number of people drinking groundwater. Reliance on Groundwater Florida ranks first in the number of people drinking groundwater. (~ 90% of population, over 15,000,000 residents)
Red markers are tanks and blue are wells.
Population Data 1950 2,770,000 2017 20,484,142
10,000,000 More Projected… Where will they go? (Build more up, and less out)
Two Market Drivers Real Estate and Government Phase I/II ESA Site Assessment Characterization Remedial Planning Site Remediation Monitoring
The Goal…
Due Diligence Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessment Site History Regulatory Research Site Reconnaissance Interviews Sampling Reporting
File Closure Methods Regulatory Initiatives and Cleanup Programs Consulting has never been more valuable… Remediation (SRCO) Advanced Cleanup Low-Score Site Initiative (LSSI) LSSI NFA Limited Site Assessment (LSA) 5. Limited Remediation via LSSI 6. FDOT MOU* 7. RBCA 8. Alternate CTLs 9. Natural Attenuation * “Transportation Facility”
Brownfield Success Story
Petroleum Restoration Program Inland Protection Trust Fund (IPTF) Tank Sites: > 18,000 sites (9,000 to go) Early Detection Incentive (EDI) Petroleum Liability Restoration Insurance Program (PLRIP) Petroleum Cleanup Participation Program (PCPP) Abandoned Tank Restoration Program (ATRP) Innocent Victim Program (IVP) Advanced Cleanup Program (ACP)
To invite Steve Hilfiker to deliver this entire presentation to your group, agency, or organization, please call ERMI at 888-368-6468 or email info@ermi.net.