Homeroom Info for Open House
Morning Times 8:15am 8:50am 9:10am 9:15am The earliest time for students to enter the building. Students will be in the theater for Study Hall until Homeroom. 8:50am Students are allowed to go to homeroom. 9:10am Homeroom and announcements begin 9:15am If students arrive after this time, they should check-in with the Attendance Office.
Afternoon Times 3:45pm 4:15pm 4:45pm The latest time parents can check their students out of school. 4:15pm Dismissal begins. 4:45pm All students should be picked up from school. Unless participating in a club activity.
Early Dismissal Before 3:45pm Send a note in the morning. Your child should take it to the attendance office. Please include their “lunch number” (Cobb County ID) and full name. You will need identification to pick up your student.
When Your Child is Absent Please send an excuse note upon their return. You can also email these to their homeroom teacher. If there is no excuse within 3 days of the student’s return, the absence is automatically counted as unexcused. Please check teacher blogs for any missing assignments. Excused absences: illness, death or serious illness in the immediate family, religious holidays, or any absence mandated by a government agency.
ParentVue Provides online access to your child’s grades. You can sign-up tonight! Information in the PDR (near the Chorus room!)
Breakfast Served every morning from 8:50am-9:05am Students arriving later than 9:05am will be given time to eat. Students should report to breakfast before going to Homeroom.
Dress Code No sweatpants or athletic shorts. Leggings only permitted when tunic/top is to the tip of the student’s longest finger. No holes in jeans above knees. Dresses, skirts, shorts must all come to the tip of the student’s longest finger. Every shirt must have sleeves. Shirts must be long enough to cover the midriff even when hands are raised. **This is just the highlights- see your student’s agenda for a more detailed list.
Cell Phone Policy All students must keep their cell phones (and other devices) out of sight unless a teacher allows them for instructional purposes.
Performing Arts Permission Slips Distributed tonight. Return the signed permission form to your homeroom teacher. Put the payment in the white envelope and place in the black box (by the restroom or the Chorus room).
PTSA & McClure Foundation Information to support both organizations can be found in the atrium.
Book Bags and Lockers Students are not permitted to carry book bags during the school day. String bags and purses are permitted. Students have multiple locker breaks throughout the day.
Tonight’s Schedule