ECE 477 Senior Design Group 3 Spring 2011
Project Overview Autonomous Wheeled Vehicle Two main functions: Navigate to user designated waypoints while avoiding obstacles Visually track and follow user designated targets Uses combination of GPS and other sensors to determine current location and trajectory User Interface: Atom board with Wi-Fi, connection via remote desktop using PC Navigation GUI to enter waypoints by clicking on map Also displays current position and obstacles Webcam Target Tracking GUI allows user to click on Target, which will then be tracked and followed by the camera
Design Challenges Faced Interface microcontrollers with Atom board Synchronization of 3 independent devices Interface microcontrollers with sensors Maintaining low latency Choosing adequate components
Knowledge Used ECE 270: Gate level logic, noise reduction Timing characteristics ECE 362: Reading / understanding data sheets Microcontroller Modules PWM, SCI, ATD, TIM, GPIO Interrupt routines Communication Protocols
Project Demo Video Presentation YouTube YouTube