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What is an IDA? International Dating Association Individual Debt Agency Individual Development Account Ideal Delicious Avocados
Wrong… While there may be an International Dating Association that is not what we are Referring to in this case. Please try again.
An IDA does have something to do with money, but it is centered on saving money not around debt. Not Quite – Try Again…
Wrong... Avocados are delicious and are an ideal complement to many meals, but they are not the IDA we mean. Please try again.
CORRECT!!! An Individual Development Account (IDA) is a matched savings account designed to help low income workers plan for and reach specific asset building goals such as buying a home, starting a business or continuing education. An eligible worker signs a savings agreement with an IDA provider who matches the amount the worker agrees to save by a match of 2:1, 3:1 or 4:1 depending on the IDA provider's guidelines. To learn more about Individual Development Accounts and to locate an IDA provider near you, click here: Individual Development Accounts (IDA).here 30-Second DPN Trainings are a National Disability Program Navigator collaborative effort