8th grade Science Curriculum Mrs. Myriah Monson Pueblo Middle School
In General: We’ll do Scientific Inquiry/ Scientific Method/Metrics Forces and Motion/Physics Ecology Diversity/Adaptation/Behavior Chemistry/Properties of Matter Cells, Genetics/Heredity
Daily Schedule Science Fact of the day Science lesson Students take all of their notes in their science folder…so if you ever want to know what they are doing check there or my website. http://www.kyrene.org/mmonson Students are keeping track of their own grades using student vue Parents keep track using parent vue Please update your email address and check contact information! https://sispxp.kyrene.org/Login_Parent_PXP.aspx
Science Policies No late work! No extra credit to make up late work. Cell phones must be off and in back pack. (School Rule!) Be respectful at all times Visit parent portal frequently to check you child’s grades! Call or go to front office if you need new parent id or password for parent vue
iClass…integrated learning *applying students’ learning on “real world” themes, projects, and activities. *Students will combine/integrate the knowledge they acquire through the learning they receive in content area classes in a manner that is highly relevant to their lives, by using STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) related instruction during this time. *iclass assignments are entered as part of the content class grade. Rotations occur daily. Monday period 1, Tuesday=P 3, Thursday=P5 ,Friday= 7 .
Please consider donating Facial Tissues Index Cards Loose-Leaf Paper Highlighters Pencils Paper Dry erase Markers
Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to come!