The IMS fuses to the plasma membrane at the protrusion tip. The IMS fuses to the plasma membrane at the protrusion tip. (A) Area of protrusion (box) selected for large-volume tomography. (B) Large-volume tomographic reconstruction of the protrusion tip showing the IMS throughout. (C) Tomographic section showing different membrane types. (D) Model showing multiple sites of fusion (arrows) between the IMS (blue) and the plasma membrane. (E) Tomographic slices of selected fusion sites. (F) Model showing the relationship between a partial reconstruction of the IMS (blue) and MTs (red) at a fusion site. Bone marrow of the diaphysis region obtained from flushed femurs. Scale bars represent 5 μm in (A); 1 μm in (B, C); and 500 nm in (D–F). Images representative of three independent experiments. Edward Brown et al. LSA 2018;1:e201800061 © 2018 Brown et al.