Leadership and Management Why it matters in context of quality service delivery
Leadership and Management Some context to Adult Social Care 17,000 employers (25,688 locations) Independent providers make up 77% of sector 85% providers employ 250 people or less 1.15 million unregulated workers 74,000 regulated workers 22,425 Registered Managers (RM) 87% locations had a RM
Leadership and Management Why Leadership and Management matters? CQC State of Care report says ‘we found that the care provided by care homes with a registered manager in place was substantially better than those homes that had not had a registered manager in place for six months or more” CQC also later published information that indicates that there is a causal link between either vacancy or high turnover in the RM post, and poor quality inspection ratings Data also indicates that good results under the 'well led' KLOEs drives better results under the other key questions
Leadership and Management Skills for Care response To provide a consistent leadership and management package of support to RMs which includes a revised membership offer, networks, access to refreshed and revised induction standards, a qualification based on the Leadership Qualities Framework, and access to learning programmes run by endorsed training providers To grow networks from 49 to 120 by the end of the year To have at least one network in place per Local Authority area by end of 16/17
Leadership and Management One ‘ask’….Registration for Registered Managers! RMs are clearly key professionals who are integral to quality service delivery. Is it not the opportune moment to begin to invest a relative little to enable RMs to achieve parity with occupational therapists, nurses and social workers who also work in social care? Statutory requirement for RMs to be registered for this small but fundamentally crucial part of the workforce would go a long way to address status, self esteem, benefit recruitment and drive up quality.