UPS Worldport Sean Ricks 12/5/2012
Current State “One of the most technologically advanced parcel sorting facilities in the world.” 5.2 M square feet 33,245 conveyors over 155 miles 546 camera tunnels 9,000 employees
Where used Local facilities around the world add smart labels Worldport uses majority of automation Louisville, KY
Who, What, When used Conveyors transport and sort (small, parcel, irregular) Tilt trays PosiSorter
Costs First Expansion -- $1 billion + Latest Expansion -- $1 billion This is total capital expenditure (automation + facilities)
Supporting technology Cameras, Optical Sensors, Humans Ball Mats “Polite Packages” and other software Automatic Dependence Surveillance Broadcast
Application rules and limitations Odd packages If a technological change creates new work that replaces, enhances or modifies bargaining unit work, bargaining unit employees will perform that new or modified work. -Teamsters Agreement
Primary Vendors
Existing or evolving standards Conveyor speed: 15 ft/s 13 minute average travel time Capacity: 416,000 pkg/hr Record: 3.6 M pkg in one day
Technical Paper ADS-B
Technology is used throughout and automation influences each step How integrates Local Receiving Worldport Local Delivery Technology is used throughout and automation influences each step
Video-National Geographic
Class Application A package travelling along a 15 ft/s belt is to be sorted onto another belt using PosiSorter. In order to prevent damage to fragile packages, PosiSorter pucks may not travel faster than 5 ft/s. At what distance before the junction should the pucks begin to travel across the belt? Assume the belt is 6 feet wide.
Class Application Answer: The pucks should begin to travel across the belt exactly 18 ft before the end of the junction. Solution: 6 ft / (5 ft/s) = 1.2 s 1.2 s * (15 ft/s) = 18 ft
Summary Worldport uses conveyors and human-powered systems Cameras, sensors, and software are needed to support the operation The extent of automation is restricted by unions