People events Industrialization Random 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
Professer at University of Glasgow In Scottland. Agreed with the idea Of Laissez Faire. Who is Adam Smith? Return Row 1, Col 1
Chinese people were frustrated at the rights of foreigners, started a secret organization called the society of Human Fist. These people were known as the boxers What was the Boxer Rebelion? Return 1,2
Who invented the assembly line? Henry Ford. Who invented the assembly line? Return 1,3
Boers escaping the British By going North. What was the Great Trek Return 1,4
the world to a radical type of socialism called Marxism. Geramn Journalist, who the world to a radical type of socialism called Marxism. Who was Karl Marx Return 2,1
Outbreak of rebelling sepoys Because of aniaml fat in The caps of guns they were Required to use. What was the Sepoy Mutiny? 2,2 Return
Who started Industrializing First? Britian. Who started Industrializing First? Return 2,3
Workers that joined together To argue with their employers For better pay and hours What was a Union? Return 2,4
One of the very few Jewish Officers In the Frecnh Army. Falsly accused Of selling miltary information To the Germans. Who is Alfed Dreyfus Return 3,1
War between China and Japan because China broke their Agreement of not sending armies to Korea. What was the Sino Japanese War? Return 3,2
America- Public Schooling Germamy- government Britian- Navy America- Public Schooling What nations did Japan look to for Modernization Return 3,3
One of the organized campaigns Of violence against Jewish Communities. What was a pogrom? Return 3,4
French Chemist that found Bacteria And that you could sterilize tools With heat Who is Louis Pasteur? Return 4,1
Where 14 European Nations met to lay down rules fro the division of Africa. What was the Berlin Confrence? Return 4,2
What were the three factors of Production Land Labor Capital What were the three factors of Production Return 4,3
A British controlled portion of India between 1757-1947. What is a Raj? Return 4,4
Zapotec Liberal reformer. Stared La reforma Who is Benito Juarez? Return 5,1
Hong’s Revolt, wanted peace for The whole world. Wanted A heavenly Kingdom Where everyone would share Wealth and no one Would live in poverty What was the Taiping Rebellion? Return 5,2
Policy which strong nations seek To dominate other countries Politically economically and socailly. What is IMperialism Return 5,3
“Survival of the Fittest” What is Natural Selection Return 5,4