Academic Efficiency Through Online Communities Phil Moss Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Needed for Collaboration: Technical Infrastructure Administrative Infrastructure Faculty Development Learning Resources
Technology 2000 Recommendation 10: The State Regents should use its Quality Incentive Grant Program for collaborative initiatives aimed at content development. Strengthen capacity Strategically target state resources Expand the options for learners Improve Access Quality and Productivity through the power of technology Inter-Institutional Issues Collaboration Consortia Standards Infrastructure
OK is (in) MERLOT Chancellor Hans Brisch President of SHEEO, 1999-2000 APQC Benchmarking Study Member of MERLOT’s 1st Advisory Board
Fast Forward to 2003
Chancellor Paul G. Risser Native Oklahoman Strong faculty background Former university president, researcher, provost
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Email from the New Chancellor “The premise is that by working together, faculty from our institutions in specific topical areas can provide higher-quality learning experiences in more cost-effective ways. Moreover, this academic collaboration can be accomplished without diminishing academic freedom or losing the individualistic creative ingenuity that is the hallmark of outstanding colleges and universities.” “The product of this work would be a toolkit of teaching processes/materials for voluntary use in specific topical areas that can be used by faculty across Oklahoma colleges and universities.”
Concluding Observation “The intention of the project to achieve uniformly high-quality ecology teaching at all of our universities—not to teach to the lowest common denominator. With time and resources saved by pooling ideas and approaches, faculty would free up time for other uses, such as spending more time with students, developing new teaching material, conducting research or providing public service.”
Some Initial Advisory Council Reactions Council on Instruction Do we have to? Not if it takes $ away from us Faculty Advisory Committee Don’t call it efficiency Council of Presidents Go beyond course materials to courses/programs
The 2-Pronged Plan A specialized, low-enrollment discipline not currently identified as a MERLOT community Ecology A general, high-enrollment discipline established as a MERLOT community Mathematics Convene an assembly with campus representatives
MERLOT Services Faculty development Facilitation Collaborative Tool Customized Services
My Testimony " a unique organization, approaching common issues and challenges in ways no others do. MERLOT extends our reach and resources by partnering with other systems, organizations, and agencies. I don't think we could accomplish nearly as much if we tried to do these things by ourselves."
QUESTIONS & COMMENTS? Phil Moss Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (405) 225-9150 (video)