Thermal test (lab modules) G. Riddone, A. Samoshkin Last update 25-Jul-2011 Complement to the presentation on 14.06.2011
Thermal tests Investigation of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the module following: Variation of the ambient temperature Variation of the RF structure temperature (PETS and accelerating structures) Variation of the DB Quadrupole temperature Validation of the FEA model by comparing results with simulated values
Measurements Measurement of temperatures and comparison to simulations BE-RF Measurement of deformations/stresses and comparison to simulation EN-MME (K. Artoos) + BE-RF Measurement of the RF structure alignment Method to be defined by SU
Module Type 0 cooling scheme
Power dissipation by T0 Lab Module components * Technical Specification for the CLIC Two-Beam Module G. RIDDONE EDMS 1097388 * DB Q 410 W 110 W 150 W PETS 440 W DB Q 300 W AS 3280 W
Heaters for T0 Test Module max 480 W 1600 W Max 3050 W - One 80” (2024 mm) long heater for DB (PETS) One 80” (2024 mm) long heater for MB (AS) Sixteen 200W cartridges for DB (Quads)
3D Integration layout
Measurements equipment configuration Prepared by M. Sosin
Thermometers calibration Calibration during slow cooling of heated copper block with all PT100 Polynomials calculation based on precision reference thermometer Prepared by M. Sosin BE/ABP Survey equipment will be borrowed
Sequence of the tests Possibility to use IR camera to be investigated
Planning Accelerating structure and PETS being assembled several steps and learning process QDB and BPM are available The aim is to complete the assembly of the first module by end of 2011 Afterwards thermal tests can start