Agenda Vocab Quiz Unit 7 Reflection on Shakespearean Language Character List Preview
Reminders 9/7/18 Vocab Unit 7 Quiz TODAY Quiz over background – Tuesday Handouts before you leave class Othello – each night, you should: re-read what we read in class in the modern English translation. work on developing a study sheet for all the quotes I tell you to highlight as we read.
Vocab Quiz unit 7
Reflection Consider Shakespearean Language (from today’s script reading and the pre-assessment you just took) and how you approach it. Things you feel confident about? Challenges? How will you face the challenges and work to overcome them?
Characters in Othello Based on what you can assess from these descriptions, brainstorm a list on a piece of paper of the possible conflicts that you see among these characters, as well as any overarching themes or thematic concepts that you can predict. *Be prepared to share with the group!
Othello: Focus Act I, Scene i Reading Purpose: How does Iago feel about Othello? Complete the Othello Names Chart – side one Act I, Scene ii Reading Purpose - HW: What kind of man is Othello? How does Brabantio feel about Othello? Complete the Othello Responses chart as you read Scene ii Highlight Quotes – we will do these tomorrow Act I, Scene iii Reading Purposes: Why do Othello and Desdemona argue that they are supposed to be together? How does Iago solidify his position as the villain?