God’s Promise for the week “The jar of flour shall not go empty, nor the jug of oil run dry.” 1Kgs 17:14b 2
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1st ANNUAL BEC & PFC VOLLEYBALL AND PINGPONG FAMILY CHARITY SPORTSFEST Divine Mercy Parish 1st ANNUAL BEC & PFC VOLLEYBALL AND PINGPONG FAMILY CHARITY SPORTSFEST ALL ARE INIVITED (Dad, Mom, kuya, ate, Tita, Tito) TO OUR 1st ANNUAL BEC & PFC VOLLEYBALL AND PINGPONG FAMILY CHARITY SPORTSFEST. When: November 10, 2018 Saturday from 8am to finish To register talk to Fr. Robert , Arnold Yanto, Grace Abes or Mike Pepino More infos at the church bulletins. Date: Nov. 10, 2018, Sat. from 8am to finish Contacts: Fr. Robert , Arnold Yanto, Grace Abes or Mike Pepino
TEACHINGS CMP 1 Part II - LSS 1- 48 Encounter with Jesus - LSS 1- 49 Road to Emmaus; Jesus in the Old Testament Sat., Nov 17, 2018, 1- 6 pm @ DMP Classroom
LSS # 50 Reunion For all LSS 50 Shepherds and Graduates Sat.,Nov. 17, 2018, DMP Library Lunch begins at 12pm; Reunion concludes with a Eucharistic Celebration in the Church at 4 pm (Sunday Vigil Mass)
Marshaling Schedule Nov. 16, 2018 Pastoral Apostolate
ORDER "Do not be afraid…” (1 Kgs 17:13a)
DIRECTIONS Tithe generously to your church, family and community. Go out of your way to serve the needy.
Please maintain REVERENCE at all times while we are still in the House of God.