University of Tsukuba, Japan Particle Physics Phenomenology, 2019/2/23 Top, Electroweak and Bottom Physics at CDF Top quark production x-section, mass W boson mass, gauge boson pair production Bs oscillations, B → PP Fumihiko UKEGAWA CDF Collaboration University of Tsukuba, Japan KEK Theory Meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology, KEKPH2007 March 1 - 3, 2007
Top Quark Observed by CDF and DØ in Run-I data, 100 pb-1. 2019/2/23 Top Quark Observed by CDF and DØ in Run-I data, 100 pb-1. Tens of events reconstructed, measurements limited by statistics. Run-II data now allow more detailed studies.
Top quark pair production 2019/2/23 Top quark pair production Lepton + jet channel Jet multiplicity distribution
Top quark production cross section 2019/2/23 Top quark production cross section Di-lepton channel All-hadronic channel
Top quark production cross section 2019/2/23 Top quark production cross section All channels, techniques Good agreement with theory
Top Quark Mass Combine with W mass, probe Higgs indirectly. 2019/2/23 Top Quark Mass Combine with W mass, probe Higgs indirectly. Run-I measurements Run-II expectations, ~3 GeV CDF/DØ 2 fb-1 goal hep-ex/0404010
Top mass measurement techniques 2019/2/23 Top mass measurement techniques Lepton + jet channel Matrix element method Template method Reconstruct top “mass” from observed quantities (lepton, jets). Compare to MC distributions Utilize maxima information of the event, such as Parton level cross section parton distribution function Evaluate a probability density as a function of true mtop, multiply prob. for all events In any method, understanding the jet energy scale is crucial and a dominant systematic uncertainty.
Top mass measurement : jet energy scale (JES) 2019/2/23 Top mass measurement : jet energy scale (JES) In situ calibration : Adjust the jet energy scale so as to get the correct W mass Effectively treated as a stat error. Matrix element method sample Stat + JES Similarly, with the template method :
Top mass measurements : dilepton and all-hadronic channels 2019/2/23 Top mass measurements : dilepton and all-hadronic channels Di-lepton channel All-hadronic channel Matrix element method Template method Similarly, with the templete method :
Top Quark Mass Past Future Present Aiming at <1% precision CDF / DØ 2019/2/23 CDF / DØ 2 fb-1 goal, ~3 GeV Top Quark Mass Past Future Present Aiming at <1% precision
Understanding the detector 2019/2/23 Understanding the detector Bremsstrahlung tail
W-boson Mass Measurement 2019/2/23 mT fit Electrons pT fit mT fit Muons ET fit
W boson mass uncertainties / result 2019/2/23 CDF RUN II PRELIMINARY
Higgs Mass? SM Higgs mass Or, SUSY Higgs favored? CDF/DØ 2 fb-1 goal 2019/2/23 Higgs Mass? SUSY Higgs favored? CDF/DØ 2 fb-1 goal SM Higgs mass Or,
Gauge boson pair production t 2019/2/23 Gauge boson pair production t Unified electroweak theory : Non-Abelian gauge structure. self-coupling among gauge bosons.
Photons detected > 7 GeV Check 3-body mass (l n g) for Brems. 2019/2/23 W + Photon Production Photons detected > 7 GeV Check 3-body mass (l n g) for Brems. More direct test : angular distributions radiation amplitude zero
2019/2/23 First observation
B Physics 2019/2/23
Crucial information on the unitarity triangle of the CKM matrix, 2019/2/23 Crucial information on the unitarity triangle of the CKM matrix, length of one of the sides
One of the challenges : resolving very quick oscillations 2019/2/23 One of the challenges : resolving very quick oscillations Proper time resolution Real data, hadromic mode Roughly 20 times better than Belle/BaBar
Impact on the triangle 2019/2/23 Summer 2005 Fall 2006
2019/2/23 Penguin Tree
Statistical separation using mass, kinematics, dE/dX 2019/2/23 Expectation from MC Combinatorial background Partially Reconstructed Statistical separation using mass, kinematics, dE/dX
Three new modes observed 2019/2/23 Rarer modes MC Three new modes observed
Agree, though errors are large 2019/2/23 Mode 2 Mode 1 Gronau, PL B 492, 297 (2000) Agree, though errors are large Lipkin, PL B 621, 126, 2005
2019/2/23 Summary
2019/2/23 Backup slides
Future : look for CP-violation, ~0 expected in SM, arg(Vts). 2019/2/23 260 pb-1 Future : look for CP-violation, ~0 expected in SM, arg(Vts).
2019/2/23 1 fb-1
FCNC Vtd for B0d, Vts for B0s Helicity suppressed. B.F. very small. 2019/2/23 b d, s t w l+ l- Z/g FCNC Vtd for B0d, Vts for B0s Helicity suppressed. B.F. very small. SM predictions for B.F.
B.R. < 3.0 x 10-8 for B0d B.R. < 1.0 x 10-7 for B0s @ 95% C.L. 2019/2/23 Two and one candidates in the B0d and B0s mass windows. B.R. < 3.0 x 10-8 for B0d B.R. < 1.0 x 10-7 for B0s @ 95% C.L. Preliminary. CDF Run-I limits : B.R. < 8.6 x 10-7 for B0d B.R. < 2.6 x 10-6 for B0s PRD 57, 3811 (1998)
W helicity in top decays 2019/2/23 either left-handed (WL) or longitudinally polarized (W0) Lepton angular distribution in W rest frame : Backward peak for left-handed W. smaller momentum in lab. DØ reconstructs cosf = -cosq* cos() ~160 pb-1 F+ = 0 F+ = 0.3 Entries