Mrs. Edwards & Mrs. Hester 5th Grade Newsletter December 3, 2018 Mrs. Edwards & Mrs. Hester 5th Grade Newsletter kedwards@effingham, Upcoming Dates Dec. 3-7- Santa Shoppe in Old School Edwards and Hester will shop Dec. 7th Dec. 10- Chorus will perform at 10-10:30 at Savannah Airport Dec. 13- 7:00 Christmas Concert/Caroling at Old School Dec. 14- PTSO Birthdays Dec. 18- Wax Museum 1:45-2:45 Dec. 19- PBIS Inflatables, Christmas Parties Dec. 20- Jan. 1- Christmas Holidays Tests and Quizzes Math-Unit 4A-Dec. 5 Science-Unit 3-Dec. 12 Social Studies- Vocabulary- Dec. 8 Unit 4-Dec. 14 Word Study/Roots- Unit 19-Dec. 7 Reading- Unit 2 LAUA- Dec. 11 Word Study Unit 19: Oh, The Places You Will Go! (vi, urb, terr) via deviate obvious urban suburb suburbanite terrestrial terrain terra-cotta territory How do I write a NONFICTION summary? Find the MAIN IDEA and at least 2 SUPPORTING DETAILS for the information you have read. How do I write a FICTION summary? Answer the questions: Who? Wanted? What? But? So? Then? Make sure your child is reading EVERY NIGHT! Reading Logs are due each FRIDAY!! We Are Learning About… Math- Adding & Subtracting Fractions Science-Constructive & Destructive Forces & Human Intervention Reading- Similes/Metaphors Novel- Number the Stars Grammar and Writing-Informational Writing; Synonyms/Antonyms/Homographs Social Studies-Battles of WWII WAX MUSEUM PROJECT DEADLINES Tues. 12/4/18 Research outline due (at school) Fri. 12/7/18 –Research paper due (at school) Tues. 12/11/18 –Tri-board or poster display due (complete at home) Tues. 12/11/18 - Present Research projects shared (at school) Tues. 12/18/18 –Wax Museum (more info later) Please send in $1 to purchase a tri-board for the “at home” portion of the Wax Museum Project. Christmas Dress Down Day 12/14-Polar Express Day-Nice Pajamas & appropriate shoes 12/17-A Country Christmas Day-Red or Green Solid or Plaid Shirts, Bandanas, Jeans, & Boots 12/18-Deck the Halls-Decorate yourself in Bright and Vivid Red, Green, Silver, Gold, & White 12/19-Frosty the Snowman-White Shirt, Scarf, Hat, Boots Specials Schedule for the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday E-PE E-Music E-Art E-Technology E-Media H-Music H-Media H-PE H-Art H-Technology