Target: Municipalities EDM’s: Town Manager County Manager City Manager Mayor
Major areas in any municipality Department of Public Works Police Department Fire Department Finance Department (Treasurer, Accounting, Assessor, Comptroller) Health and Human Services Planning and Development
Challenges Deliver more services for less Avoid duplicating efforts Overall resistance to change Rank and file is unionized Sometimes supervisors are also unionized Lack of forward planning or strategic planning
Key performance indicators Residents want to see evidence of good service for their tax dollars Timely trash removal Appropriate police and fire response time Useful and efficient website Outstanding customer service interaction at Town Hall or City Hall offices
Lingo/jargon Fiscal year goes from July 1st to June 30th Encumber monies Town meeting Warrant Become an approved contractor
Programs to position EPP ELD EC ETD Achiever DISC
Programs facilitated EPP ELD EC Achiever DISC
Types of results Planning and goal-setting Prioritizing Vastly improved communication across departments Identify savings opportunities Performance measurement Giving feedback constructively Team-building Strategic planning