Montag read “Granger Beach” to Millie’s friends. Millies friends were Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Bowles Mrs. Phelps cried.
Beatty didn’t want to know how something was done, but why it was. Faber was concerned with quality. Clarisse wanted to talk about others.
Granger says, “you’re not important, you’re not anything.” Thousands of people have whole, or parts of books, memorized. Montage thinks that no one wants to read because they’re having fun with other things.
The novel’s climax is when Montag kills Beatty. The novel’s falling action is when Montag leave Beatty and starts walking. The novel’s rising action is when Fabe and Montag meet in a park.
The mechanical hound uses chemical makeup to track its prey. The mechanical hound is used for fights in the firehouse. The hound bit off Montag’s arm
The police shot and killed Montag. Montag’s ‘run’ was all over the media. Montag ‘ran’ after he killed Beatty.
In the novel, fire symbolizes an instant cure for wrongs. Mirrors symbolize a need to reflect. The phoenix symbolizes the longing for life meaning.
Millie said, “why should I read? What for?” Clarisse said, “Come off of it, it doesn’t like or dislike. It just functions.” Faber said, “I feel alive for the first time in years.”
Clarisse’s main purpose in the plot is to make Montag question society’s values. Millie’s purpose is to take too many sleeping pills. Faber’s purpose is to reassure Montag that his ideas are correct.
Driving slow was a crime in the novel. Violence was accepted by most people. Clarisse hit someone with a car.