Lesson 4-2 Congruent Triangles
Congruent Figures Common English Congruent figures are two figures that have the same size and shape. IF two figures are congruent THEN they have the same size and shape. IF two figures have the same size and shape THEN they are congruent. Two figures have the same size and shape IFF they are congruent. Precise Math / Logic
Does this pair appear to be congruent?
Congruent Triangles Two triangles are congruent IFF their vertices can be matched up so that the corresponding parts (angles and sides) of the triangle are congruent.
Congruent Triangles Two triangles are congruent IFF their vertices can be matched up so that the corresponding parts (angles and sides) of the triangle are congruent. ABC RST 1. A R 2. B S 3. C T 4. AB RS 5. BC ST 6. CA TR A R iff C B T S
Congruent Triangles Two triangles are congruent IFF their vertices can be matched up so that the corresponding parts (angles and sides) of the triangle are congruent. ABC RST 1. A R 2. B S 3. C T 4. AB RS 5. BC ST 6. CA TR A S T iff C B R
Watch Carefully !!!!! ABC ABC A A 1. A A 2. B B 3. C C 4. AB AB 5. BC BC 6. CA CA Because C C B B ABC ABC
But . . . ABC ACB A A 1. A A 2. B C 3. C B 4. AB AC 5. CB BC 6. CA BA Because C B C B ABC ACB
SUN RAY Also NUS YAR Also USN ARY When referring to congruent triangles (or polygons), we must name corresponding vertices in the same order. R S U N R A Y Y A U N SUN RAY Also NUS YAR S Also USN ARY
How would you write that these two figures are congruent? Write your answer on a piece of paper. P O U M N E A T S Pentagon MONTA Pentagon PERSU Pentagon ATNOM Pentagon USREP Etc. R