Section 1 Conservative Movement Emerges Chapter 25 Section 1 Conservative Movement Emerges
Conservatism Builds Entitlement programs- provide guaranteed benefits to particular groups Social security Medicare/Medicaid Unemployment compensation Retirement benefits Food stamps Civil Rights policies extend their reach (busing, Miranda rights)
The New Right Alliance of conservative groups focusing on Opposing abortion Blocking ERA Stopping busing View affirmative action as a form of reverse discrimination
Conservative coalition Alliance of business leaders, middle class voters, disaffected Democrats, fundamentalist Christians Wall Street Journal National Review
Moral Majority Popularity of televangelists such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson Consisted of Christians who interpreted the Bible literally and believed in absolute standards of right and wrong Traditional family values Reduce divorce rate Reduce # of unmarried couples, unmarried child births Increase individual responsibility God created the family to provide the maximum love and support and morality and example that one can imagine. The thought about Republicans is, we're supposed to be Jeffersonian. That government governs the best that governs the least.
Conservatives Win 1980 Presidential Election- Ronald Reagan’s key issues Abortion Pornography Teaching of evolution Prayer in public schools Iranian hostage crisis Weak economy/ high inflation Known as the “Great Communicator”
1980 Election