Decisions Eph. 5:6-11
The Ss of Testing Decisions Scriptural Test Secrecy Test Survey Test Spiritual Test Stumbling Test Serenity Test Sanctification Test Supreme Test
Scriptural Test II Tim 3:16-17 Dating or Marriage II Cor 6:14 Decisions based from Scripture
Secrecy Test Prov. 11:3 Would it brother me if others knew of my decision Keeping an overpayment of returned money or credit
Survey Test I Tim. 4:12 What if everyone followed my example Throwing trash out your car window
Spiritual Test Gal 1:10 Am I following God or people in this decision Our commitment of time
Stumbling Test Romans 14:21 Would my decisions cause my brother or sister to stumble Drinking or smoking Appearance Language
Serenity Test Phil. 4:6-7 Have I prayed Is my decision in harmony with scripture Do I have the peace of God Dating, marriage, moving, occupations, or a purchase
Sanctification Test II Cor. 3:18 Will my decision prevent or hinder my growth in the Lord? My decision to be obedient or disobedient to the Word of God
Supreme Test I Cor. 10:31 Does this decision glorify God Conforming to the standards of the World Indebtedness Staying in a sinful situation The continuation of a sinful lifestyle