The impact of online services on rebuilding the trust in Government: The eFez Project experience … Professor Driss Kettani, Alakhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco 7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government… Building Trust in Government… Vienna 25-29 June 2007
eFez Project in one slide!!! Develop an experimental platform, in real world settings, that would allow us to capture the necessary knowledge and know-how, in order to: Elaborate a Roadmap… Design a formal framework to assess the impact of eGovernment systems on good governance… Build a Model of ICT4D usage, production and dissemination in Morocco… And in similar developing countries With these deliverables, we’ll have a better ability and more evidence to talk to our decision makers… And convince them… Dissipate the fears… Induce change management… eFez Project
Snapshots of the system… Kiosks… eFez Project
Snapshots of the system… Proximity Portal… eFez Project
Snapshots of the system… Online Procedures/ Services… eFez Project
How ICT can help? Some elements of focus: Any time, Any where, Any language, Transparently, equally and equitably, Quickly, correctly and clearly… Cost effectively and efficiently… Legally… Not enough/convincing to conclude this presentation… What is Governance? What is good governance? How ICT can enhance good governance? We need a systemic, structured and formal model of impact assessment… eFez Project
What is governance? The UNDP defines Governance as: “the exercise of economic, political, and administrative authority to manage a country’s affairs at all levels. It comprises mechanisms, processes, and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations, and mediate their differences” There are many definitions… More or less different Government vs. Governance… eFez Project
Why shall we trust a government? We trust a Government when it practices, promotes and sustains GOOD governance… What is good governance? We need a definition that is practical and that allows a quantitative evaluation model… We need to be able to measure, to compare, to benchmark, to peer review and to… Enhance the performance… The Governance process as a set of attributes… eFez Project
A Model of Impact assessment Governance Attributes Measured Indicator Value after automated system deployment Transparency Visibility of workflows for citizens via automated service delivery Since the BEC back-office is electronically enabled, sub processes of making BC request, processing the request, and printing the BC are merged in one process carried out on a real time basis. This secures the principle of: first-come-first-served Effectiveness and efficiency (as a citizen user) Efficiency: optimal use of resources for citizens to request & obtain BC Citizens making time/money/ effort savings in requesting and obtaining BC: no waiting time; one trip to BEC; no tip. Effectiveness and efficiency (as tax payer) Efficiency and effectiveness of using public scarce resources No full time employees are needed to process the requests… A Model of Impact assessment eFez Project
A Model of Impact assessment Equity Citizens served with equity - ICT eliminated the need for citizen to tip in order to be served all citizens are served on a timely and in a similarly professional manners (regardless of social class) Rule of law Laws are applied impartially -Decrease of opportunities of law violations … -Public display of rules with a power of law. Participation/ empowerment - Citizens’ active participation in BEC services - Dependency on bureaucracy: Dependence of citizens on the employees good will - Through the kiosk/online service delivery Citizens, directly participate in the service delivery, which eliminates possibilities of negative consequences arising from difficulties in the workflow - Citizens through the kiosk/online service delivery are not at the mercy of employees A Model of Impact assessment eFez Project
The eFez Impact Assessment Model… eFez was the first project in the world to have associated and measured the impact/outcomes of eGovernment systems (ex. online G2C transactions) on good governance, using a home made and recognized scientific and systemic model… eFez Project
Citizens satisfaction… eFez Project
Partners and Collaborators… The International Development Research Center of Canada (IDRC)… The City of Fez and specially the Agdal County… Thank you eFez Project Gracias Thanks Grazie Brigado eFez Project