Developing Effective Wellbeing Strategies for You and Your School Gary Edwards
Aims of this workshop Share evidence from recent PMB research Gain wider awareness of the importance of staff wellbeing for schools and academies Develop individual SMART action plans using a coaching model Understand the key issues and steps in a school-wide wellbeing strategy
Recent Studies 67% teachers state that their job has had an adverse impact on their mental health 52% had mental health illness identified by their GP Leeds Beckett University 2015 82% teachers have experienced significant anxiety directly from their job 38% school leaders have suffered from poor mental health directly related to work Dr Emma Kell 2018
Impact on Pupil Outcomes 8% variation in Primary school SATS results attributable to differences in wellbeing of classroom teacher Birbeck College 2007
Impact on Student Wellbeing A 2016 study by University of British Colombia found strong correlation between teachers reporting high stress and higher levels of stress hormone [cortisol] in their students
And a free text box for any other comments The PMB Research Four simple questions sent to 50 Kent Heads What is the single thing you find most stressful/demanding in your role at the moment? What is the most important thing you do for your own wellbeing/work-life balance? What is the most important thing you do to support the wellbeing/work-life balance of your staff? What is the one best thing your governors could do to help you further with your wellbeing/work-life balance? And a free text box for any other comments
People Issues Are More Complex “I have had occasions whereby I felt out of my depth when staff had a breakdown in front of me regarding challenges that they were facing in their personal life. This includes a member of staff pulling out clumps of their hair in front of me, another member of staff with acute paranoia and someone informing me that they were a victim of child abuse.”
People Issues Are More Common “The sheer volume of all the things I’m responsible for and never having proper time to deal with it as another urgent issue will always crop up, a parental complaint, a child protection issue, someone goes sick … it is all just too much!” “Just being responsible for 60 + staff and 430 children and all the issues that come with that takes its toll mentally after a while. Constantly juggling health and safety, teaching and learning, recruitment etc … etc”
Recommended Actions “My weekends are sacrosanct” Healthy body = healthy mind Role model positive workload management Meetings management Fully supportive Head – CoG relationship Informal Headteacher networks Coaching
A Coaching Framework for Action Issue Goal(s) Reality Options Will do/won’t do Activity Working in pairs use this coaching framework to identify an action plan for your own positive wellbeing
Now let’s consider a school – wide strategy …
Maslach: Professional Burnout Lack of control Insufficient reward Lack of community Absence of ‘fairness’ Conflict in values Work overload
HSE Definition of Stress ‘the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other demands placed on them’.
Framework for a School Strategy Commitment in SIP SMART Goals Identify a Wellbeing Champion Cross school working group Quick wins and longer term initiatives Monitored by SLT and governing body Robust communication plan
Further PMB Findings Role of SLT to stem the ‘tsunami’ of demands Mental Health First Aid is crucial CPD an important part of a wellbeing strategy Simply saying “thank you” in ways that matter Mindfulness and meditation are becoming more common as school-wide strategies Quality of governance and especially the relationship with CoG are critical factors
Questions to Consider What are the key issues in a wellbeing culture at your school? What goals would be appropriate here? What are the potential barriers? How could KAH support you and your school?
Final questions and conclusions