How can we use science and technology to solve world food crisis. M How can we use science and technology to solve world food crisis? M. Menz
Food supply challenges Greater demand Resource scarcity (land, water, fuel based N, P, etc.) Climate change Less water Higher pressure for pest and disease
Exploit genetic variation to create better varieties Nov 19, 2009 m. menz
Most of the differences among individuals are heritable, i. e Most of the differences among individuals are heritable, i.e., are genetics DNA Chromosomes Nov 19, 2009 m. menz
Different codons produce different aa and so different proteins GC 3 changes like these in just one gene allow H. sapiens to talk! Nov 19, 2009 m. menz
Genetic Principles DNA ==> RNA ==> Protein ==> Phenotype DNA Different forms of one gene are alleles. Different alleles ==> Diff. phenotype Nov 19, 2009 m. menz
Gene to Phenotype Nov 19, 2009 m. menz
Linear representation of markers along a chromosome Genetic Map Linear representation of markers along a chromosome Cytogenetic location of Sorghum BACs on Sorghum Chromosome 1 Nov 19, 2009 m. menz
Molecular markers can be used to determine the genotype Nov 19, 2009 m. menz
We can select based on genetic information Resistant Susceptible Marker analysis at seedling stage Selection of individual plants with the desirable trait
…or construct new types of plants 1-“Mendelization” Parent 2 Parent 1 2- Assembly Ideotype Two Steps Nov 19, 2009 m. menz
Biotrove: OpenArray™ System 33 nanoliter reaction 3,072 through-holes /array User Loads OpenArrays™ BioTrove Software Data Capture & analysis Export to Database Biotrove’s solution is based around the OpenArray™. In the area of a microscope slide, Biotrove has figured out how to capture3072 33 nl “reactions” in bottom-less “wells” or holes. Utilizing hydrophilic or water loving coatings on the inside of these holes and hydrophobic or water averse coatings on the exterior, we are able to quickly and efficiently fill thousands of reactions without expensive robotics and minimal technician involvement. To put it into perspective, let’s look at how reactions have evolved since the discovery of PCR, the reaction which forever changed molecular biology. OpenArray™ NT-Cycler Automated – 3 hours
Affymetrix GeneChip for RNA and DNA Profiling 5 Feature: Probes with Same Sequence Hybridized DNA Non-hybridized DNA Probe Sets: Group of Probes for Same Gene 6 7 Target: Labeled sample Image courtesy of Affymetrix, with modification 1 GeneChip: Chip and Fluidic Chamber 3 Probe Cell: Millions of Probes 2 4 Chip: >1 Million Probe Cell Probe: 25mer DNA Oligo Broad coverage – Survey up to 32.5 million bases - 50K gene sequences in one assay Markers on genes – Functional markers that could be responsible for complex traits Fast and cost-effective – From DNA to data in a few days