Six Conditions Needed for Successful TBTs Preparing teachers to work collaboratively by deepening the culture of inquiry into the classroom B. Forming or repurposing building teams to implement the Ohio 5-Step TBT process Creating schedules and routines that support collaborative teams Making teacher-based team meetings purposeful Defining roles and responsibilities F. Communicating plan indicators and providing available data to all teachers TBT SIX CONDITIONS: One of the roles of the OIP facilitator is to help the DLT/BLT assess readiness to support TBTs by examining whether they have created the conditions for successful implementation. Once the DLT/BLT has identified the conditions that are not in place for successful implementation, they can then work toward putting them in place. It is not imperative that all conditions for success are in place prior to implementation; however, there are basic conditions which if not in place may thwart the process. These basic conditions are listed on the slide. 3/30/2012 Dayton Public Schools
This is an example of how one district monitored their progress on implementing the 6 conditions. Each DLT meeting, buildings would review the evidence they had that would support where they marked their dot. The DLT planning group determined the criteria for a 1,2,3 and 4. Each meeting they used a different colored dot to track their progress. The goal was to have all conditions fully in place by the end of that school year. At the same time they were also starting their TBTs. 3/30/2012 Dayton Public Schools
3/30/2012 Dayton Public Schools
This chart compiled each building’s dots to show where the district was as a whole. The DLT then knew what they needed to do to provide support. 3/30/2012 Dayton Public Schools