SCOPE Introduction Performance Crime Comparison Crime Trend Highest Reported Crimes – 2017 Leading Districts/Divisions in Crime -2017 Crime Category Summary
INTRODUCTION This Annual Report covers a period from January 1st, 2017, to December 31st, 2017. Crime Summary: In 2017, 252,065 cases were reported to Police compared to 243,988 cases in 2016 reflecting an increase in the volume of crime by 3.3%.
PERFORMANCE 2016 and 2017 2017 2016 Cases Taken to Court 66,626 60,462 Cases under Investigation 105,017 95,270 Cases with Convictions 18,961 17,477 Acquittals 1,419 1,184 Dismissals 9,613 9,457 Cases Pending Before Court 36,633 32,344
PERFORMANCE Cont… Persons Charged in Court Persons Convicted MALE FEMALE TOTAL ADULTS JUVENILES 2016 67,359 1,997 5,408 470 75,234 2017 69,153 2,532 5,257 733 77,675 Persons Convicted MALE FEMALE TOTAL ADULTS JUVENILES 2016 20,868 672 1,591 203 23,334 2017 20,368 680 1,619 269 22,936
CRIME COMPARISON 1. Homicides 4,473 4,315 158 2. Economic crimes S/NO CRIMES CASES REPORTED DIFF 2017 2016 1. Homicides 4,473 4,315 158 2. Economic crimes 16,031 17,214 -1,183 3. Sex Related crimes 16,862 19,548 -2,686 4. Child Related crimes 15,093 14,943 150 5. Breakings 13,883 14,643 -760 6. Thefts 66,539 43,515 23,024 7. Robbery 6,850 7,257 -407
CRIME COMPARISON 8. Assaults 36,541 43,870 -7,329 9. Terrorism 12 15 S/NO CRIMES CASES REPORTED DIFF 2017 2016 8. Assaults 36,541 43,870 -7,329 9. Terrorism 12 15 -03 10. Political/Media crimes 193 1068 -875 11. Corruption 37 28 09 12. Narcotics 2,854 2,851 03 13. Other Crimes in general 68,292 71,908 -3,616 14. Local laws 4,405 2,813 1,592
CRIME TREND 2014-2017
HIGHEST CRIMES -2017 S/No. Crimes NO. of CASES 1 Common Assaults 30,794 2 Domestic Violence 15,325 4 Defilement 14,985 5 Threatening Violence 13,474 6 Obtaining By False Pretences 12,771 7 Child Neglect 10,021 8 Criminal Tresspass 10,020 9 Malicious Damage to Property 8,078 10 Thefts of Cash 7,878
LEADING DISTRICTS S/NO. DISTRICT TOTAL CASES 1. Lira 7,872 2. Ntungamo 1. Lira 7,872 2. Ntungamo 6,839 3. Mbarara 5,096 4. Gulu 4,731 5. Mpigi 4,539 6. Arua 4,261 7. Mbale 3,857 8. Kibuku 3,836 9. Gomba 3,809 10. Tororo 3,651
CRIME CATEGORIES HOMICIDES In 2017, A total of 4,473 cases were reported compared to 4,315 cases in 2016 reflecting a 3.7 % increase. S/No. HOMICIDES No. of Cases 2017 2016 1. Death by Shooting 167 171 2. Death by Mob Action 603 580 3. Death by Poisoning 95 133 4. Death by Fire 124 67 5. Death by Domestic Violence 361 401 6. Death by Other causes 3,123 2,963
ECONOMIC CRIMES Offences Cases Reported 2017 2016 Cases Reported 2017 2016 Obtaining by False Pretenses 13,381 14,065 Forgery & Uttering of False Documents 910 879 Counterfeiting 585 829 Issuing False Cheques 349 480 Embezzlement 304 229 Cyber crime 158 106 Bank & Other Corporate Frauds 185 22 Abuse of Office 84 70 Causing Financial loss 75 48 TOTAL 16,031 16,728
NARCOTICS A total of 2,854 cases were reported in 2017 compared to 2,851 cases in 2016 reflecting a 0.1% increase. S/No CATEGORIES 2017 2016 1. Heroin 10 00 2. Cocaine 08 01 3. Herbal Cannabis 807 706 4. Other Narcotics(general) 2,029 2,144 Total 2,854 2,851
SEX RELATED CRIMES A total of 16,862 cases were reported in 2017 compared to 19,548 cases in 2016 reflecting a 14% decrease. S/No CATEGORIES 2017 2016 1. Rape 1,335 1,454 2. Defilement 14,985 17,395 3. Indecent Assault 343 495 4. Incest 79 83 5. Unnatural Offences 120 121 TOTAL 16,862 19,548
ROBBERY In 2017, a total of 6,850 cases of Robbery were reported compared to 7,257 cases in 2016 giving a 5.6 % decrease. CATEGORIES 2017 2016 Aggravated Robbery(Motor Cycles) 386 436 Aggravated Robbery(Motor Vehicles) 66 99 Aggravated Robbery(Cash) 437 439 Aggravated Robbery(general) 1,021 985 Cattle Rustling 06 11 Simple Robbery(general) 4,934 5,287 TOTAL 6,850 7,257
BREAKINGS In 2017, 13,883 cases of breakings were reported compared to 14,643 cases in 2016, reflecting a decrease of 5.2%. S/No Category No. of Cases 2017 2016 1 Burglary 7,969 7,697 2 House Breaking 3,551 4,113 3 Shop Breaking 1,935 2,349 4 Office Breaking 428 484 Total 13,883 14,643
ASSAULTS A total of 36,541 cases were reported in 2017 compared to 43,870 cases in 2016 giving a 17% decrease. CATEGORIES 2017 2016 Aggravated Assault(Acid cases) 15 56 Aggravated Assaults(general) 5,732 7,019 Common Assaults 30,794 36,795 Total 36,541 43,870
CHILD RELATED OFFENCES A total of 15,093 Child related cases where children/juveniles were direct targets/victims of crime, were reported in 2017 as compared to 14,943 in 2016 reflecting 1% increase.
THEFTS A total of 66,539 cases of thefts were reported in 2017 as compared to 43,515 cases reported in 2016, reflecting an increase of 52.9%. 1,442 cases of thefts of motor vehicles were reported in the period under review compared to 1,461 cases in 2016 giving a 1.3% decrease. A total of 4,259 cases of thefts of motor cycles were reported in the period under review compared to 11,539 cases in 2016. A total of 6,117 cases of mobile phone thefts were reported in 2017 as compared to 7,429 cases in 2016 hence giving 17.6% decrease.
TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS Year Total Incidents Registered Internal trafficking Incidents Transnational trafficking Incidents adult victims child victims 2017 177 00 43 123 11 2016 125 03 29 84 09
CANINE (K-9) UNIT A total of 10,782 trackings were carried out in 2017 compared to 9,749 trackings conducted in 2016 giving a 10.6% increase. Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Total No. of case tracking performed 2,666 2,154 2,991 2,971 10,782 No. of Persons Arrested 1,680 1,329 1,847 1,922 6,778 Male Adults 1,438 1,167 1,527 1,689 5,821 Female Adults 198 116 248 215 777 Juveniles 44 46 72 18 188 Male Juv. 37 47 15 145 Female Juv. 7 - 25 3 35 No. of persons taken to Court 623 446 614 545 2,228 No. of persons convicted 234 150 213 785 No. of exhibits recovered 806 580 739 784 2,909
CONCLUSION The Uganda Police Force continues to work tirelessly to make our country safe and secure. In so doing, we look forward to partnering with all stakeholders to reduce crime to ensure peace, safety and security in Uganda.