Class Agenda 4/6/15 1. ACT Prep – Punctuation Test (20 minutes) 2. Macbeth Quiz (15 minutes) 3. Lit Circle Skits (20 minutes plan with 25 minutes skits) 4. Exit ticket (10 minutes) Today you will, orally and in writing, analyze multiple interpretations by groups of students of scenes from Macbeth while evaluating how each version interprets the source through grouping, dramatic skits (three styles), summarization, and think time with phrases such as: I learned ________________________ about dramatic interpretation through today’s activity. I realized _________________________ about act __, scene __ because ________________.
ACT Prep ACT Passage Circle your answers in the packet On a piece of lined paper, answer the following reflective questions: 1. I still need help with (list the incorrect punctuation items such as semicolon. 2. In order to master these punctuation rules, I will _(tell me what you will do)_. 3. On a scale of 1 – 10, I feel ___ about taking the ACT in 22 days. 4. I still need to _____________ to prepare for the ACT on April 28,2015.
Macbeth Quiz See Mrs. Testa for quiz
Macbeth Skits – 20 minutes prep You will create a skit and write a summary for an assigned scene from Acts III or IV of Macbeth. First one person (or more people) in your group will read the summary that your group wrote on poster paper. You will also act out the scene, but it is up to your group how you would like to do it. A few suggestions: You can read the summary filled with appropriate quotes from the scene (like we did last class period) One person (or people) read(s) the summary, then the group acts out the scene translated to modern language (in your own words) One person (or people) read(s) the summary, then the group acts out the scene using some of the original language The skit should last about 2 minutes, and you may use props from the prop box or around the classroom.
Exit Ticket 1. Which group showed the best understanding of the scene through the summary and skit? Please explain your answer. 2. What did you learn about dramatic interpretation with your group and from watching other groups? 3. List ONE “AHA!” MOMENT where you made a new connection or realization about the play Turn in to the period basket Homework DUE 4/8/15: Read Act V of Macbeth and complete the Act V summary page