Sports News Shows Often … Compare Teams/Athletes of Two Different Eras Which Is Better? Is This a Futile Thing To Do?
Michael Jordan 1984 – 2003 ‘MJ’ LeBron James 2003 – Present ‘King James’
What About Comparing September 9, 2018 With The Future Is This A Futile Thing To Do?
Compare Today With ‘The Last Days’ 2 Timothy 3:1-9 Compare Today With ‘The Last Days’
I. General Description of ‘The Last Days’ 1 Contrast 1a ‘the last days’ 1b General description of ‘the last days’ 1c Perilous times and other periods of time
II. Specific Description of ‘The Last Days’ 2-5 For men will… 2a B. Some observations on the Specific description of men of ‘the last days’ 2b-5 C. Specifically what should you do 5b D. Specific description of ‘the last days’ 2b-5a
Specific Sins of Men In ‘The Last Days’ – 2 Timothy 3:2-5 Sin Characteristic of ‘the last days’ U.S. Culture U. S. Church Yourself 1. lovers of themselves2 X much ??? 2. lovers of money2 X much 3. boasters 2 [magnify self] X much 4. proud 2[arrogant X much 5. blasphemers 2 [slander, abusive spch] X some 6. disobedient to parents 2 X much 7. unthankful 2 X much 8. unholy 2 [wicked] X some 9. unloving 3[w/o fam affection] X some 10. unforgiving 3 [not able com2 terms] X some 11. slanderers 3 [promote quarrels] X some 12. w/o self control 3[tung,appétit,any] X much 13. brutal 3 [not tamed, savage] some little 14. despisers of good 3 [w/o law 4good] X some 15. traitors 4 [abandon one in dngr, brk oath] X some 16. headstrong 4 [hasty, rcklss spch or actns] X some 17. haughty 4 [conceit, filled w smoke] X some 18. lovers of pleasure 4 X much 19. rather[instd of] than lovers of God 4 X much 20. form of godliness but deny pwr5a X much
III. The Truth And ‘The Last Days’ 6-9 Not able to come to knowledge of the truth -- Specific Application To Timothy 6,7 Those who resist or oppose the truth – General Application 8,9