Weekly Webinar Welcome to the Wednesday webinar! Please mute your audio connection upon logging in. For the first 10-15 mins we will discuss the topic at hand. Once we go through the presentation, we will open up for questions on what we just discussed. After there are no more questions, we will open questioning for ANY Digital resource subject. Please raise your hand in the taskbar or type your question in the questions box. Chad Jordan and John Musser SCI Digital Marketing website.request@sportclips.com
Webinar Instructions Please make sure to mute your audio connection. Submit questions through control panel.
iAPPS Training Guide STEP #1 STEP #2
iAPPS Marketier: New Email Filters We now have new filters that can be used to send email campaigns to targeted Clients. The new filters are pre-set, but custom audience lists can also be built. The filters are: Online Check In Service Discounts Amount Purchased
iAPPS Log-In
iAPPS Marketier: Navigate When you are logged into iAPPS, navigate to the email platform by clicking “Marketing”
iAPPS Marketier: Find an OLCI Email Once you get to Marketing, you will see the Campaigns. You can search for “Online” in the search bar to narrow the results.
iAPPS Marketier: Selecting the Email Click on the email campaign. The row will be highlighted and an “Edit & Send” button will appear. Click this button.
iAPPS Marketier: Scheduling the Email Once the email is open, you can get ready to send it (if you want to edit the text, please watch the video). To select the new filters, click the “Choose Recipients” link.
iAPPS Marketier: New Filters There are numerous new “Audience List Groups”. Click on the “Online Checkin” group These lists show you which Clients (after 11/1/18) have utilized OLCI or not.
iAPPS Marketier: Selecting a List To target Clients that have yet to use OLCI, select “Online Checkin No After 11/01”. The selected list will then appear in the “Selected Items” column on the far right. To send the Email, click “Save & Schedule in the bottom right hand corner.
iAPPS Marketier: Selecting the Stores Multi-unit Team Leaders can send the same email to each store, using the same filter, simply by selecting the desired sites.
iAPPS Marketier: Selecting “All” Stores TL’s don’t need to individually select stores if they want to send the email to all of their stores. All they need to do is click the “Select All” button.
iAPPS Marketier: Choosing the Date/Time The admin just needs to adjust the Date & Time setting to the desired time and click “Review & Send”
iAPPS Marketier: Publishing the Campaign Lastly, the admin just needs to review that details and then click “Publish”.
Digital Marketing iAPPS Log-In – www.sportclips.com/admin “Survey Says!” – www.sportclips.com/leadership Chad Jordan, website.request@sportclips.com