A drug that slows down brain and body reactions Alcohol is… A Depressant A drug that slows down brain and body reactions The most widely abused drug among high school students.
12 oz. domestic beer 10 oz. microbrew beer 10 oz. wine cooler 4-5 oz 12 oz. domestic beer 10 oz. microbrew beer 10 oz. wine cooler 4-5 oz. wine 1.5 oz. large shot (80 proof)
Teens and Alcohol Influenced by: Peers Family Media
How Alcohol Affects the Body Cardiovascular System Slows heart rate More blood flows to skin’s surface Core body temp decreases Excretory Kidneys increase urine production Nervous System Brain activity slows Reflexes become sluggish Coordination becomes impaired Digestive System Too much alcohol in stomach may cause vomiting
Other Short Term Effects Slurred speech Drowsiness Vomiting Diarrhea Upset stomach Headaches Breathing difficulties Distorted vision and hearing Impaired judgment Anemia Loss of red blood cells Coma Blackouts Memory lapses, where the drinker cannot remember events that occurred while under the influence
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC): The amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, expressed as a percentage
Factors Affecting BAC Rate of consumption: The faster you drink, the more affected you will be. Your liver can metabolize about one drink per hour. Gender: When consuming the same amount of alcohol, a man’s BAC will be lower than a females Body size: Smaller people (by weight and height) feel the effects of alcohol more than larger people. However, people with more muscle mass will be less intoxicated than people with more fat mass. Amount of food: Drinking on an empty stomach increases the rate of alcohol absorption into the bloodstream Type of drink: Mixing alcohol with certain drinks can increase the rate it enters the blood stream Temperature of drink: Warm alcohol is absorbed into the body faster than cold alcohol Emotional state: When people are stressed or upset alcohol is absorbed more quickly. Stress also causes the stomach to empty directly into the small intestine, where alcohol is absorbed even faster. Age: The older a person is, the higher there BAC will be after drinking slower amount of alcohol. As we age, our liver functions decrease which means it takes us longer to eliminate the alcohol.
Blood Alcohol Concentration
When Blood Alcohol Concentration is… 0.02-0.03 Reflexes and alertness decline 0.04-0.06 Judgment and self-control are impaired Reaction time slows 0.07-0.09 Muscle coordination decreases 0.12-0.15 Vomiting usually occurs Emotions become exaggerated, unstable, or violent 0.20 Confusion, dizziness, ad disorientation occur Vision and speech are impaired Blackouts are typical 0.30 Ability to stand or walk is lost Loss of consciousness may occur 0.40 Loss of consciousness usually occurs Death may occur 0.50 or higher Death usually occurs
What is the ONLY thing that can sober a person up? TIME!!!!
Life Threatening Effects Alcohol poisoning: taking an excessive amount of a drug that leads to coma or death When drinking, many think they will pass out before this limit Not true: alcohol continues to be absorbed into the blood for 30-90 minutes after a person’s last drink Drinkers BAC can still increase after they become unconscious
Life Threatening Effects Continued Warning signs of Overdose (alcohol poisoning): Cold Clammy Hands Slow or irregular respiration Vomiting while “sleeping” Cannot be wakened Person is unconscious Binge drinker- the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol at one sitting
Long Term Risks of Alcohol Brain Damage Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Liver Damage Heart Disease Digestive Problems Alcoholism Malnutrition Cancer of the mouth and throat Ulcers Gastritis Inflammation of stomach walls Alcohol poisoning High blood pressure, stroke, and other heart related diseases Nerve damage Sexual problems