Mollify to calm; pacify moll (soft) + fy (make).


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Presentation transcript:

mollify to calm; pacify moll (soft) + fy (make)

ichthyologist fish scientist ichthy (fish)+ logy (science) + ist (one who)

polyglot multi-linguist poly (many) + glot (tongue)

diaphanous semitransparent dia (through) + phan (appearance) + ous (full of)

somniferous bringing sleep; boring somn (sleep) + fer (carry) + ous (full of)

sinecure easy, lucrative job sine (without) + cure (care)

soliloquy speech to oneself sol (alone) + loqu (talk)

adherent supporter ad (to) + here (stick)

abjure swear to give up ab (away) + jur (swear)

caustic sarcastic; corrosive caust (burn)

confluence flowing together con (together) + flu (flow)

depose topple from power de (down) + pos (put)

egomania self-obsession ego (I) + mania (madness)

egregious outrageously bad e = ex (out) + greg (group) + ous (full of)

analgesic painkiller an- (without) + algia (pain)

chiromancy palm reading chiro (hand) + mancy (divine knowledge)

oligarchy government by a few olig (few) + archy (government)

intractable in (not) + tract (pull) + able difficult to manage or control in (not) + tract (pull) + able

intransigent refusing to change mind in (not) + transigent (compromising)

perfidious not able to be trusted per (through) + fid (faith) + ous (full of)

perspicuous brilliantly clear per (through) + spic = spec (look) + ous (full of)

ingenuous innocent or naïve in (in) + gen (origin) + ous (full of)

circumlocution circum (around) + locu (talk) indirect speech; talking around an issue circum (around) + locu (talk)

gregarious sociable greg (group) + ous (full of)

discursive rambling dis (away) + curs (run)