The biggest planet By Jason JUPITER JUPITER The biggest planet By Jason
Where is your planet located in the solar system? 483Million Miles from the sun. It is the fifth planet closest to the Sun.
Physical description of your planet What is the geology of your planet (volcanoes, oceans, etc) Liquid atmosphere there’s no solid surface. It has a large liquid ocean of hydrogen and water What is the climate like on your planet? Jupiter is a stormy planet the storms never end.
How long are a day and a year on your planet? How long does it take to revolve around the Sun? 4332.59 days. How long does it take to spin on its axis? 9hour’s 55 min.
Other important characteristics Does your planet have moons? It has 62 Anything else interesting about your planet? It’s 62 moon’s, It has a ring of gas surround the planet, It is always stormy there.
What would life be like on your planet? Describe how life would have evolved Life could not exist because of the chemicals and gases on planet Jupiter.
Why should we visit your planet? Sell a trip to your planet. Come to planet Jupiter because you can increase your weight and be twice as strong as you are on planet Earth. You will enjoy the beautiful liquid sky! You will be able to see 62 moons. Look at the planet’s ring of gas!