All questions are answered by the government. COMMAND ECONOMY All questions are answered by the government. MARKET ECONOMY ALL questions are answered by the individuals. MIXED ECONOMY SOME questions are answered by the individuals and SOME questions are answered by the government. TRADITIONAL ECONOMY ALL questions are answered by history, traditions, and habits.
ECONOMIC SYSTEMS: How a country makes products to make money. determines GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS: How power is given to the central governments, local governments or both. Unitary: Central Government has ALL power. Federal: Central Government SHARES power with local governments. Confederate: Local governments CHOOSE to give power to a central government. GOVERNMENT TYPES: Who rules and the role of the citizen. Autocracy: Rule of ONE; citizens have no say/role: just obey. Oligarchy: Rule of a FEW; citizens have little say/role. Democracy: Rule of ALL; citizens have HUGE say/role. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS: How a country makes products to make money. COMMAND: Government makes economic decisions. MIXED: Government makes SOME economic decisions; individuals make SOME economic decisions. MARKET: Individuals make economic systems. TRADITIONAL: Habit, practices and history make economic decisions.