2/4/09 Do Now- Take out your books (notebook and The Things They Carried) a pen/pencil
How to take cornell notes! YAY!
Your Name My Name English 10: Period 5 Date Literary Terms for The Things They Carried the contrast between what is said and what is really meant. The difference between what appears to be and what actually is true. In other words, what is expected to happen, versus what really happens. Irony is generally used to create humor or sadness (poignancy, deep emotion). Irony saying opposite of the true meaning (can be used with sarcasm) Verbal Irony EX: Telling your true love that you hate them. Ms. Pappert loves it when students write “IDK” on their essays.
events turn out to be the opposite of what was expected to happen Situational Irony events turn out to be the opposite of what was expected to happen EX: When a girl and guy go to dinner, and the girl thinks that the guy is going to propose, and instead he breaks up with her. when a word or phrase is repeated. Used to make some type of impact on audience/readers. Sometimes an event or action continues to be repeated. Repetition Tone describes the author’s attitude to his material, the audience, or both. Easier to determine in spoken language rather than written. I have a whole list of tone words for you. (somber, melancholy, serious, businesslike, playful, silly, etc). Similar to mood. The prevailing atmosphere or emotional aura of a work.
Ambiguous (adj) unclear Explain how O’Brien’s description of war is ambiguous. Why does he choose to have his descriptions create this sense of ambiguity? Tangible (adj) Can be seen, touched, felt
Tangible (cont) Explain what “tangibles” have to do with war. Intangible Can not be seen, felt, touched Explain the “intangibles” of war. What point is O’Brien trying to make in his novel? What is the purpose of O’Brien writing about tangibles, intangibles, and ambiguity?
much like verbal irony, a statement that appears to be self-contradictory, but actually makes sense Paradox Example from the novel: What is O’Brien’s purpose for using this paradox? What is he trying to make reader’s think or feel? Why is he trying to make reader’s think/feel this way?
description that appeals to all 5 senses; used to describe, create emotion, or symbolically represent an idea; can be used with figurative language Imagery Example from novel: What is O’Brien’s purpose for using imagery? What is he trying to make readers think or feel? Why is he trying to make readers think/feel that way?
In the first chapter we learned what the soldiers carried… What would you carry? Imagine that you have been ordered to go to Afghanistan. You leave tomorrow. What two items would you bring? One has to be tangible, the other intangible. On your packet notes, write down what you would carry and why. Below are some sentence starters! I would carry______because______. This is important to me because_________. This helps define me because_________. This would help me because______.