Midterm Review CSE321 B.Ramamurthy 2/23/2019 B.Ramamurthy
Exam Date October 16, 2015 Please bring This is a closed book exam. Pencils, pens and erasers. This is a closed book exam. No make up exam will be given. 2/23/2019 B.Ramamurthy
Topics Concurrent task execution: unix fork and pthread (as in DCAS) Realtime system scheduling: Rate monotonic scheduling; earliest deadline scheduling Priority scheduling: Priority inversion and solution in priority inheritance Designing a cyclic executive schedule given n tasks and their characteristics 2/23/2019 B.Ramamurthy
Format 4 questions 20(+/-5) points each; Each question may have many subsections. EDS, and RMS scheduling Designing a cyclic schedule for a set of RT periodic tasks Identifying priority inversion problem and solve it using priority inheritance Problem solving using concurrency: pthreads 2/23/2019 B.Ramamurthy
How to study? Review class notes and questions covered in class Read the text book chapter 4-5, 7 (Chapter 6 has finite state machine: we will have a question in the final exam on that topic). 2/23/2019 B.Ramamurthy