Pilot Study - May 2, 2006 Owen Otto Dave Hong Kelly Snow Tim Dennis Web Patterns Project
HE Lessons: Sweet Spot Sweet spot: color, text, purpose 2/23/2019
Design Changes: Sweet Spot We made some adjustments to text in the "sweetspot" of the homepage. Specifically, the solution addressed in the problem statement is a link to the specific solution. 2/23/2019
HE Lessons: Labels About Patterns -> How to Use Patterns 2/23/2019
Design Changes: How to Use a Pattern rename a link in the utility navigation from About Patterns to How to Use Patterns. In the next iteration this will contain a scenario and demonstration of how a user can combine patterns to develop an interface. 2/23/2019
HE Lessons: Comments Distinguish comments Consistent labels Clarify contains code box 2/23/2019
Design Changes: Comments revised the comments form. We improved the design, made terms consistent and more concise reduced the number of fields to encourage submissions. 2/23/2019
HE Lessons: Image Consistency Homepage Example Pattern Main Example Tooltip 2/23/2019
Other Design Changes from User Testing We clarified confusing terminology in the right side bar to simply say "Recent Comments" and "Comments with Code." 2/23/2019
Design Changes: Comments We clarified confusing terminology in the right side bar to simply say "Recent Comments" and "Comments with Code." 2/23/2019
Design Changes: How to Use a Pattern 2/23/2019
Design Changes: Related Patterns 2/23/2019
Design Changes: Synonyms * addition of synonyms for each pattern. Based on the lo-fi prototype exit survey, a card sorting exercise, and an audit of pattern collections, we developed a set of synonyms for each pattern. These are displayed on the pattern page itself and on a rollover from the main navigation. * The rollover box on the main navigation previously contained a problem statement and thumbnail image to support browsing and exploration before clicking through. This box now contains synonyms to assist users in finding the right pattern. 2/23/2019
Demo! 2/23/2019
Pilot Usability Study: Part 1 Study with 3 developers on campus Gave users specific tasks to perform. Goals: Identify problem areas Focus on navigability and browsing How submitting comments was working Understand “How to use a pattern” section Example task “Add a Comment to the Fly-Out Menu” 2/23/2019
Pilot Usability Study: Part 2 Asked users to produce 2 quick sketches that blocked out the navigational elements to appear on the home page and a tertiary page. Sample Site Taxonomy 5 Categories: About Us, Programs, People, Research, Partners 4-6 subcategory pages within each of the categories above. 4-6 tertiary pages within each of the subcategories. Goals: Get insight into work practices and a task on the job. Wanted to see how a library would support their work process. Get the user to actually read and use the pattern. 2/23/2019
Major Results of Pilot Study In almost every case, participants were able to successfully and quickly navigate the library to find information. Great ideas for how to design the Sweet Spot! Interface for adding comments has problems. Useful Lessons Learned Design Plans 2/23/2019