Christopher Crawford 2014-01-13 PHY 311: Introduction Christopher Crawford 2014-01-13
The Limits of Modern Physics
Unification of 4 Fundamental Forces
Classical Fields action at a distance vs. locality field ”mediates “carries force extends to quantum field theories field is everywhere always E (x, t) differentiable, integrable field lines, equipotentials powerful techniques for solving complex problems
Magnetic scalar potential Electrostatics – Coulomb’s law Magnetostatics – Biot-Savart law Geometrical Gauss -> Ampere’s law U interpretation as boundary currents Statement in terms of boundary conditions Technique for calculating coils B.C.’s: Flux lines bounded by charge Flux lines continuous Flow sheets continuous (equipotentials) Flow sheets bounded by current
Field Lines / Flux
Equipotentials / Flow
L/T separation of E&M fields
Equations of Electrodynamics
Linear &Differential Spaces
Formulations of Electrostatics
Formulations of Magnetostatics
Laplace Eq.: Boundary Value Problems
Spherical Multipoles Dipole Quadrupole
Polarization & Magnetization
Time-dependent Equations
Three Electrical Devices