What is a CPO ??
What is a CPO ?? Cash Posting Order
Cash Posting Order Notice of a transfer of cash between the C.O. and campuses or between campuses within the Bank of CSU
Agenda Acronyms CPO Types Process Flow Components of a CPO Sample CPO Financial Report Questions
CPO Acronyms
Acronyms CO Chancellor’s Office CMO Cash Management Office CPO Cash Posting Order SWIFT Systemwide Investment Fund Trust SMIF Surplus Money Investment Fund AO Allocation Order RCTO Request for Cash Transfer Order SWAT Systemwide Allocation Transfer AD (CSU) Accounting Department ADNOAT AD – Notice Of Accounting Transaction
CPO types
Types of CPOs Allocations: AO/RCTO SWAT One-time Allocations (Enrollment exceeding Target) Lottery and the Pre-Doctoral Program Early Assessment Program (EAP) International Program (Resident Directors Abroad) Call to Service (Service Learning & Community Engagement) PIQE (Parent Institute for Quality Education) Grants/Awards (Univ Advancement; Faculty Creative Activities) Reimbursements and Cost Recovery CSU Academic Senate Time and Travel CSURMA IDL/NDI (CSU Risk Management Authority) Professional Development Incentives/Scholarships Services Provided by Our Campus to Other Campuses including Events Lottery: $558k; Pre-doc Pgm (to encourage students to pursue doctoral degrees stu travel, etc): EAP: $100k Program goal is to have California high school graduates enter the CSU fully prepared to begin college-level study; IntlPgm RD: $95k; Call to Service $45k; PIQE: $25k; Enrollment > Target Allocation: $3.854M
Types of CPOs SWIFT Investment Earnings Distribution Equipment Loan Proceeds & Loan Payments Debt Payments for Parking, Aux. Housing CSURMA Insurance Premiums Central Indirect Costs for Enterprise Funds (EL, Parking, Health) Library Subscriptions Software Licenses Services Provided by another campus(es) Registration Fees for CSU Meetings/Conferences
CPO Flow Originator C.O. CMO Campus Accounting Contacts Campus Department Contact General Ledger by Journal Entry Financial Reports Next slide: Flow picture
CPO Flow To Campus Acctg Contacts as a group email from CMO; My responsibility is to review the CPO & determine where it should be posted. If a campus department is involved, I send a copy of the CPO to the dept contact and request their chartfield.
CPO components
Components CPO # Value Date Subject (short description) Description (detailed description) Recording Instructions (Fund/Object) Amount by Campus Charge Detail Campus Contacts Supporting Documents
CPO Cover Letter
CPO Cover Letter CPO # Value Date Subject (short description) Description (long description) Recording Instructions (Fund/Object)
Amount by Campus
Charge Detail Charge Detail (Attach. B) -- next slide: larger with SM highlight
Charge Detail
Campus Contacts Campus Contacts (Attach. C) For illustration. I have the detail on this type of CPO & don’t send an email in this case.
Supporting Documentation Supporting Documents: detail by loan
Your questions
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