basic principles of constitutional government


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Presentation transcript:

basic principles of constitutional government Objective 2.4 basic principles of constitutional government

people have the power

people have the power

the idea that people have the right to rule themselves popular sovereignty the idea that people have the right to rule themselves

popular sovereignty people influence how they are governed I make the rules for this family Why can’t I say something

popular sovereignty people influence how they are governed I make the rules for this family Why can’t I say something

people are the power

people are the power

consent of the governed people are the source of any and all government power

consent of the governed all power to rule originates with the people

consent of the governed all power to rule originates with the people

people give the power

people give the power

representative government people elect public office holders to make laws and conduct government for them

representative government citizens do not have the time to run both their lives and government You go; I don’t have the time

representative government citizens do not have the time to run both their lives and government You go; I don’t have the time

people live by the law

people live by the law

the government and those who govern are bound by the law rule of law the government and those who govern are bound by the law

rule of law all people are equal under the law no matter who they are

government follows the law

government follows the law

limited government government is not all-powerful and may do only those things people have given it the power to do

limited government government can only do the things the law allows it to do

U.S and states share power

U.S and states share power

federalism the system in which the power to govern is shared between the national government and the states

federalism give some to the power to govern to the U. S federalism give some to the power to govern to the U.S. and some to the states give it some POWER

federalism give some of the power to govern to the U. S federalism give some of the power to govern to the U.S. and some to the states give it some POWER Connie Constitution

no one has complete control

no one has complete control

dividing the main tasks of government so that separation of powers dividing the main tasks of government so that one person (or small group) does not have total control

separation of powers the tasks of government is divided into 3 areas: MAKE LAW ENFORCE LAW DETERMINE IF LAW IS APPLIED CORRECTLY

separation of powers the tasks of government is divided into 3 areas: MAKE LAW ENFORCE LAW DETERMINE IF LAW IS APPLIED CORRECTLY

power must be limited

power must be limited

checks and balances a system in which each branch of government is able to limit the power of the other branches

checks and balances a branch can prevent other branches from abusing power Legislative Executive Judicial

checks and balances a branch can prevent other branches from abusing power Legislative Executive Judicial

law fits the Constitution

law fits the Constitution

courts determine the constitutionality of judicial review courts determine the constitutionality of laws (legislative) & actions (executive)

It ain’t constitutional. judicial review the courts decide if laws and actions comply with the Constitution

It ain’t constitutional. judicial review the courts decide if laws and actions comply with the Constitution