agenda IR Vocab 1B Review Culture Web OPTIC Frida Groups rotate through Synthesis Chart – work on “Legal Alien” (if time – likely move to tomorrow!)
Reminders Your “Two Kinds” CEIEI paragraphs are due today! Please have your hard copy on your desk ready to turn in. Grab your Independent Reading Book – we will read for 10-15 minutes today! Vocab Quiz Unit 1A – TOMORROW! Have you checked out the quizlet? Have you reviewed the words?
Independent reading
Vocab 1A Practice
Groups for OPTIC Analysis 1A: Zahra, Welmon, Myrna 2A: Bryce, Ally, Luke 3A: Antonio H., Eli, Jessica, Michael 4A: Myron, Aman, Latrese 5A: Antonio O., Jackson R., Taylor 1B: Charlie, Holly, Phoenix 2B: Elena, William, Austin 3B: Diego, Jackson C., Amere 4B: Dent, Camille, Rachel 5B: Mikyah, Cade, Antonio M., Brian
Self-Portrait on the Borderline Between Mexico and the United States (Frida Kahlo) OPTIC (small groups) Whole Group: Claim Practice - What is the conflict presented in the artwork? Claim Practice - How does Frida Kahlo’s painting represent her cultural identity?
Synthesis chart Ethnic Hash, Two Kinds, Frida
Final Thoughts (If time) Index Card Response (to turn in) I came to class expecting… I have learned… One question I have is…