A World at War…World War I: 1914-1918 SEs: 2D,4C,4D,4E,4F, 4G, 15D, 19B, and 26F: Explain the significance of the following years as turning points: World War I; Identify the causes of world war I and reasons for U.S. entry; analyze the impact of significant technological innovations in World War I such as machine guns, airplanes, tanks, poison gas, and trench warfare that resulted in the stalemate on the Western Front. Analyze major issues such as isolationism and neutrality raised by U.S. involvement in WWI, Woodrow Wilson’s fourteen points, and the Treaty of Versailles. Analyze significant events such as the Battle of Argonne Forest. Describe the economic effects of international military conflicts, WWI, Explain constitutional issues raised by federal government policy changes during times of significant events including WWI. Discuss the importance of congressional medal of honor recipients, including individuals of all races and genders such as Vernon J. Baker, Alvin York, and Roy Benavidez.
A World at War……… World War I Causes and effects of what would be known as “The Great War” 1914-1918 .
Events that caused the start of World War I…. Europe’s great powers divided into two alliances: Triple Alliance ; 1882 ( Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy) Triple Entente: 1907 ( France, Great Britain, Russia) Socialist Labor Movements: grew in power. Used strikes, even violent ones, to achieve their goals. Caused unrest. World War I “The Great War” Begins Aug. 8, 1914 Ends: 1918 Conscription: Occurred all over Europe. Doubled the size or European Armies. Serbia: 1914 wanted to create an independent nation State. Supported by Russia. Austria-Hungary opposed it. The Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand June 28, 1914 in the city of Sarajevo. (Bosnia) Gavrilo Princip. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, Russia declares war on Austria Hungary, Germany declares war on Russia and France, Great Britain declares war on Germany.
World War I: Who made up the Central/Axis Powers? Central/Axis Powers = The central powers included: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
World War I: Who made up the Allied Powers? Allied Powers = During WWI; there were two main groups the allied powers and the central/axis powers. The countries that made up the allied powers were: The Russian Empire France United Kingdom Italy Japan Canada Australia United States
The Four Main Causes of World War I M ilitarism = The aggressive preparation for war. A lliance = a pact/agreement to come to the aid of a friend/country. I mperialism = forceful control of one country over another to control markets and improve their economies. N ationalism = a strong devotion and loyalty to one’s own country.
Understanding the effects of the causes Conscription = (Draft) occurred mainly in Europe as a regular practice in most Western Countries before 1914. European Armies doubled in size between 1890 and 1914. Militarism = this is known as an aggressive preparation for war and the glorification of the military.
Understanding the effects of the causes. Alliances = a pact that says that we will support each other in case of war. Most European nations had picked sides in the years prior to WWI based on royal family ties and existing feeling of mistrust and hatred that went back for centuries. Imperialism = nations competing to build their influence around the world by taking control of certain countries to extend their economic markets and increase their industrializations in their own countries. England, Spain, France, Great Britain, United States, etc.
Vocabulary: Words to Know… Nationalism = the idea of pride in one’s country was carried to an extreme in the years prior to WWI. It translated into beliefs that one’s native country was “better than” all other countries. World War = means that the most powerful countries in the world were at War. Not every single country was at war with each other. The U.S. preferred a policy of “isolation” and did not want to get involved in “European Wars”. The Atlantic and Pacific oceans also protected the U.S. from war. In fact, the United States entered the war “late” (closer to the end of it than the start of it). Green = Allies Yellow = Central or Axis Grey = Neutral