Young Person’s Guide to Getting and Keeping a Good Job © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.
Student Evaluation Form We hope to continue to improve our job search instruction. We would appreciate your answers to the following questions: 1. On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being very helpful and 1 being poor), how would you rate the overall helpfulness of the course? __________ 2. Do you feel better able to find a job as a result of the course? Yes______ No______ 3. As a result of what you learned in the course, do you feel that you now have a better chance of finding a good job in less time? Yes______ No______ Do you feel more positive about yourself as a result of the skills identification and other activities? Yes______ No______ Why? ________________________________________________________ 5. Do you feel more motivated to work and do well as a result of this course? Yes ______ No _______ Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Do you think that other students would benefit from this course? Yes______ No______ 7. Do you think that the course should be longer or shorter, or is it fine as it is? Longer______ Shorter______ Just fine as it is______ 8. What did you like about the course? What do you feel were the most helpful topics? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Do you have any other comments? Your name (optional) ___________________________________ Date _________________________ © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.
Student Evaluation Highlights Young Person’s Guide to Getting and Keeping a Good Job Overall “helpfulness” course rating (scale of 1 to 10): X XX% felt better able to find a job as a result of the course XX % felt able to get a better job in less time XX % felt more positive about themselves XX% felt more motivated to work and do well XX % felt other students could benefit © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.
Student Evaluation Highlights (continued) Typical student comments: © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.
Topics Covered in the Course 1. An Introduction to Finding a Good Job 2. An Employer’s Expectations 3. Identify Your Skills 4. Document Your Education, Experience, and References 5. Use the JIST Card® 6. Find Job Leads 7. Make Direct Contacts with Employers 8. Write Great Cover Letters © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.
Topics Covered in the Course (continued) 9. Write an Effective Resume 10. Avoid the Application Trap 11. Improve Your Interview Skills 12. Create Your Career Portfolio 13. Organize Your Job Search 14. Tips to Survive and Get Ahead On a New Job © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.
Course Features For the instructor Complete curriculum Inexpensive Easy to use Students like it © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.
Course Features For the students Easy to read Real life stories about job experiences Interesting activities Appealing graphics The techniques work Social Media can help or hurt job prospects © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.