Noson UCAS ar gyfer rhieni


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Presentation transcript:

Noson UCAS ar gyfer rhieni UCAS evening for parents

UCAS Cyflwyniad Byr / Short Introduction Dyddiadau Allweddol / Key Dates Cyflwyniadau Myfyrwyr / Student Presentations 4. Cyllid /Finance – Mr Alex Kennedy PDC/USW 5. Cwestiynau/Questions

Dyddiadau Allweddol Key Dates Dydd Mawrth y 15fed o Ionawr 2019 – Tuesday the 15th of January 2019

Dydd Mawrth yr 8fed o Ionawr Tuesday the 8th of January

Dydd Gwener yr 21ain o Rhagfyr Friday the 21st of December

10 dydd i ni fel Ysgol i brosesu cais UCAS 10 days for us at school to process a UCAS application

Dydd Mawrth, Tachwedd 13eg Tuesday, November 13th

Dydd Gwener y 26ain o Hydref Friday the 26th of October

Dydd Gwener y 12fed o Hydref Friday the 12th of October

Beth yw UCAS? What is UCAS?

Dewisiadau posib Potential Choices Prifysgol University Blwyddyn allan Gap year Prentisiaethau Apprenticeships Byd gwaith Entering work Astudio Tramor Study Abroad

Atebion o Brifysgolion How do replies work? Mathau o atebion: Types of reply: Cynnig amodol Conditional offer Aflwyddiannus Unsuccessful Dewis dau gynnig: un amodol ac un fel yswiriant Cynnig di-amod Hold up to two offers: one asa firm choice, and one as insurance (back up) Unconditional offer


Beth yw datganiad personol?   Beth yw datganiad personol? What is a personal statement? Cam cyntaf o’r cais am le mewn Prifysgol. Vital part of university application Cynnwys hyd at 4,000 o nodau Consists of 4,000 characters Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau cyffredinol: Ionawr 15fed Deadline for general admissions : January 15th Dyddiad cau ar gyfer astudio’r Meddygaeth, Rhydychen/Caergrawnt: Hydref 15fed Deadline for Medicine, Oxbridge: October 15th

Sut allwch chi helpu? How can you help? Canolbwyntio ar rinweddau personol Focus on Personal Qualities Annog i fynd ar brofiad gwaith Encourage work experience Ydy’r wybodaeth yn berthnasol i’r cwrs? Ensure the information is relevant to the course itself Cadw’n bositif Keep it positive – no negative traits

UCAS Extra

Beth yw UCAS Extra? Opsiynau eraill Os nad ydych yn derbyn cynigion   What is UCAS Extra? Opsiynau eraill Os nad ydych yn derbyn cynigion Os ydych yn newid eich meddwl 25ain o Chwefror – 4ydd o Orffennaf Other options If you don’t receive any offers If you change your mind 25th of February – 4th of July

Pwy sy’n gymwys? Who is eligible? Os ydych chi wedi defnyddio eich 5 opsiwn Gwybodaeth os ydych yn gymwys i ymgeisio ar Track Dim ffi Dim terfyn ar gyrsiau If you’ve used your 5 options It will say on Track if you’re eligible to apply There isn’t a fee to apply There isn’t a limit on courses

Beth i’w ystyried What to consider Ystyriwch pam nad oeddech wedi derbyn unrhyw gynigion Dewisiadau amgen ar gyfer astudiaethau pellach Dydy’r cynnig ddim ar gael am byth Ai dyma’r cwrs i chi? Consider why you didn’t receive any options If it doesn’t work out there are plenty of other alternatives to further studying Once it’s gone, it’s gone Are you sure that this is the right course for you?

Clirio UCAS UCAS Clearing

Graddau ddim yn cyfateb i’ch cynigion.   Beth yw Clirio UCAS? / What is UCAS Clearing? Graddau ddim yn cyfateb i’ch cynigion. Grades do not correspond with your offers. Cael eich gwrthod gan bob un o’ch prifysgolion a heb fynd trwy’r broses UCAS Extra. You have been rejected from every university and haven’t used the UCAS Extra service. Newid eich meddwl ar y funud olaf. You have changed your mind at the last minute.

Mae clirio yn galluogi prifysgolion i lenwi llefydd ar eu cyrsiau. Pryd gallwch ddefnyddio clirio? / When can you use UCAS Clearing? Mae clirio yn galluogi prifysgolion i lenwi llefydd ar eu cyrsiau. Clearing is used by universities to fill empty spaces on their courses. Os nad ydych wedi derbyn cynnig o brifysgol ar ddechrau’r broses, gallwch dal gwneud cais trwy clirio. Efallai bydden nhw yn newid ei feddwl. If you haven’t received an offer at the beginning of the proses, you can still apply to the same course through clearing. The university in question may change their mind.

Mae clirio ar agor rhwng Gorffennaf 5ed a Hydref 23ain. Sut i ddefnyddio UCAS Clearing / How to use UCAS Clearing Mae clirio ar agor rhwng Gorffennaf 5ed a Hydref 23ain. Clearing is open between July 5th and October 23rd. Ymgeisio ar y wefan Apply on the UCAS website:

Diolch am fynychu’r Noson UCAS ar gyfer rhieni Thank you for attending the UCAS evening for parents