Le Québec
17. Language of Québec Official language is French 52% only French, 43% English and French, 8% other
14. FAMOUS PEOPLE FROM QUéBEC Celine Dion- singer William Shatner- actor (Star Trek) Alex Rice- actor (Twilight Saga- Eclipse)
People from Québec are called Québécois, or sometimes Quebeckers. Life expectancy in Québec at birth was 78.8 years for men and 83.3 years for women in 2009.
The money in Québec is the regular Canadian dollar. $1 in the United States is equal to $1.03 in Québec.
:)Fun Facts of Quebec(: 1. Legal drinking age? 18! 2. Quebec is the oldest city in Canada 3. 70% of all maple syrup in the world in produced In Quebec
Climate of Seasons, and Average Temperatures Summer-Generally mild, nights get cool 30°c (85°F) 2. Winter- often sink to 20°C (30°F) The longest season 3. Fall-Most famous season, roughly from the 3rd week of Sept. to the 2nd week of Oct. 4. Spring- Shortest season, the syrup season,
Québec Location Located in North America Peninsula in Atlantic, Near Laurentian Mountains North of Mexico and USA South of Greenland
Flag Blue background, White Lines running through middle Fleurdelisé is from Ancient French flags
Two cities in one Montreal is sometimes classifed as « Two Cities In One », because there is an above-ground and under-ground city.
Habitat 67 Is a model community created in 1967 as a pavilion for the 67th expo at the World’s Fair. It was created as a thesis project at McGill university by architect Moshe Safdie. It’s located at 2600 Avenue Pierre-Dupuy on the Marc-Drouin Quay next to the St. Lawrence river. It’s one of the most recognizable and significant architectural pieces in both Montreal and Canada.
Government Québec has a constitutional monarchy, which means it has a head figure but they don’t hold any real power. Slides by justin daher
Population and Capital Population 8 million Capital is Québec city
National Symbol The national symbol of Québec is called Fleur- de-lis . Fleur translates to flower and lis translates to iris.
Motto and Nickname Quebec’s motto is Je me souviens which means “I remember” The nickname is La Belle Province, French for “The Beautiful Province.”
What sport originated in Montreal? A major sport that is well known would be hockey The teams name is The Montreal Canadians
Why is Montreal called Montreal? Island was first settled, people called it, La Ville Marie After time, settlers called it, Mont Royale This evolved into what is now called, Montreal
Size comparisons to the USA Many seem to believe Denver is the best comparison to Montreal Others believe Portland Not only because of the size, but because of the buildings and overall resemblance to the city of Montreal.
Religions of Québec and their percents In a 2011 census, it was taken by religion, and these were the results: 90.27% Christian 5.8% Non-religious 1.52% Islam 1.26% Jewish0.58% Buddhism 0.34 Hinduism 0.12 Sikh 0.05 Eastern religious 0.05 Other religions
The time difference for Québec and Mayfield Heights is the same. They are both in the Eastern Time Zone.
85% of world production of this product comes from Québec. What is it?
Syrup!!!!!! Canada and the United States are the only maple syrup producing countries in the world, with Canada at 82% of that production and the U.S. with the remainder.
What is a popular local snack in Québec? Poutine- a pile of fries, gravy, and cheese curds.
Mont-Tremblant National Park One of Québec’s many natural wonders, this national park harbors endless lakes, rivers, and mountains to gawk at. Native creatures are free to roam and be observed in this amazing nature reserve.
Fêtes du 175e du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean On December thirty-first, both locals and visitors of Québec gather to celebrate the region’s 175th anniversary.
The Winter Carnival is a unique winter experience you won't want to miss! From January 31 to February 16, 2014, come experience one of the world's largest winter carnival in beautiful Québec City. Every year, thousands of visitors flock to the Québec Winter Carnival to enjoy a host of activities for all ages, including snow baths, night parades, snow slides, giant foosball, snow sculptures, shows, sleigh rides, and skating.