Integrated River Basin Management By Tewodros Assefa Hawassa University
Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Definition of Terminologies and Basic Concepts 1.2 Theories and Principle of IRBM 1.3 Processes/Phases in Integrated River Basin Management 1.4 Questions/Tutorials
1.3 Processes/Phases in Integrated River Basin Management IRBM is a cyclic process. It involves taking account of the interdependence of natural and human factors within a catchment. In this process, water resources development in a basin, along with management principles and objectives, evolves over time, as new demands and needs emerge, and innovative solutions are added at each stage. The Global Water Partnership (2009a) developed a "Handbook for Integrated Water Resources Management in Basins".
Processes/Phases in IRBM continued… The handbook identified generalized sequential steps for basin management, including: Outline broad policy goals as a vision for water management Identify specific water management issues and problems Evaluate potential solutions to resolve these issues Implement the most appropriate strategy (s) Evaluate the outcomes of implementing these strategies Integrate the lessons learned from evaluating the outcomes into future work
Processes/Phases in IRBM continued… This conceptual model is demonstrated in the "Learning-by-Doing Management Cycle" as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 Learning-by-Doing Management Cycle. Source: GWP 2009
Processes/Phases in IRBM continued… In other words: The first step is to draw up broad policy goals (where we want to get to) The next steps are: To specify water management problems to be solved (identify issues), To list potential strategies (how we are going to get there), To evaluate each of these, select a strategy or combination of strategies, To implement the strategy, To evaluate the outcomes, learn from these outcomes and revise our plan to make it work better in the future. These steps form a cycle.
Processes/Phases in IRBM continued… In general, these generalized steps can be categorized under three processes/phases for IRBM. These categories of processes are: the Planning process/phase, the Implementation process/phase and the Strategic process/phase. In these phases, there are various steps to be followed.
Processes/Phases in IRBM continued… 1.3.1. The planning phase (Steps 1 to 6 given below) River Basin Management Plan is an inventory and documentation mechanism for the information gathered including environmental objectives and will indicate the quality and quantity objectives to be achieved. Step 1: Policy, regulatory and institutional contexts It is generally necessary to ensure that the policy, regulatory and institutional arrangements are supportive of efforts to IRBM Step 2: Stakeholder participation process This is noted as a single discrete step that should continue throughout the cycle. At different steps, stakeholders may need to be involved, and the process may take various forms from awareness-raising, through participatory appraisal, consultation, participation and negotiation.
Processes/Phases in IRBM continued… Step 3: Technical studies (inventory, assessment & hydrological function) This can be initiated early in the process, and it can run in parallel with policy and institutional development as well as participatory and consultation efforts. Step 4: Setting agreed priorities It is vitally important that this step includes all stakeholders, and that it is well structured and formalized, with appropriate records of decision on the relative priorities in the river basin. Prioritization is based on their importance in conservation, economic, social or cultural terms, their sensitivity, or the dependence of local populations upon their benefits/services.
Processes/Phases in IRBM continued… Step 5: Setting quantitative management objectives This is primarily a scientific task, but it still requires the participation of responsible agencies as well as affected stakeholders. The agreed priorities assigned in Step 4 must be translated into practical, measurable, implementable and enforceable management objectives. These objectives need to then be integrated into the business planning of the responsible land, water and environmental management agencies, as well as into any community or customary use agreements. These objectives also form a very important baseline against which to assess environmental impacts at later stages.
Processes/Phases in IRBM continued… Step 6: Integrated land and water management plan This is a very important step in the cycle, and one at which it is essential that the different sectoral planning and management processes are synchronized and integrated. In general, there are two important features of the planning process before the river basin management plans can be finalized. Stakeholders and the general public must be consulted on their content and the proposals in them The appropriate government minister must approve them
Processes/Phases in IRBM continued… The key issues to be included in the plan are: General description of characteristics of the river basin districts Summary of significant pressures and impacts of human activity Map identifying protected areas and monitoring network Environmental monitoring data showing the status of surface water, groundwater and protected areas List of environmental objectives Summary of the economic analysis of water use Summary of the Program of Measures Summary of the public information and consultation measures taken
Processes/Phases in IRBM continued… 1.3.2 The implementation phase Step 7: Parallel and integrated implementation at basin level The challenge generally lies in the implementation of these two instruments in parallel, while ensuring integration, consistency and synchronization at particular times and places. problems of working in parallel can be addressed through a joint working group which is fully inclusive of the various agencies and interest groups. working group needs political support from the highest levels of all the organizations and agencies that are members of the working group. If not, committed technical field officials can often address most operational problems, but their work can be greatly hampered by legal challenges and lack of organizational policy guidelines.
Processes/Phases in IRBM continued… 1.3.3 The strategic phase (Steps 8 and 9) Step 8: Monitoring and reporting Sustainable adaptive ecosystem management approaches generally rely on the inclusion of explicit monitoring and reporting steps to close the cycle. This step provides the “glue” which holds the whole Critical Path together. Monitoring programs need to be designed against the priorities and objectives set in Steps 4 and 5. There is little value in monitoring if the resulting information cannot be used to assess achievement of or progress towards the agreed management objectives for the river basin.
Processes/Phases in IRBM continued… Step 9: Review, reflect and revisit plans and priorities This is a critical strategic step, if carried out properly; it closes the Critical Path Cycle and ensures effective “learning-by-doing”, which is the foundation principle of adaptive management of ecosystems. There are two levels of review: At the operational level, monitoring results can feed back very quickly into refined management objectives or remedial actions, without necessarily requiring substantive review of the formal basin management plans; Formal strategic review of basin management plans should be conducted on a regular basis. As a result, management priorities and objectives may be substantively revised to take account of changing ecological, social or economic conditions.
1.3.4 Crosscutting issues and points to note in the processes of IRBM A number of key issues are not linked to any specific step, but can cause problems anywhere in the Critical Path if they not attended to. These include: Ensuring adequate technical, institutional and infrastructural capacity, in good time to prevent bottlenecks The value of sustained, credible leadership Providing a continual flow of information into the process. Ensuring a continual flow of information out of the process.
1.3.5 Key elements for effective Integrated River Basin Management A long-term vision for the river basin, agreed to by all the major stakeholders Integration of policies, decisions and costs across sectoral interests The river basin is clearly recognized as the basic planning scale for water management measures Effective timing, taking advantage of opportunities as they arise while working within a strategic framework Active participation by all relevant stakeholders in well-informed and transparent planning and decision-making Adequate investment by governments, the private sector, and civil society organizations in capacity for river basin planning and participation processes
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