Key club September 16th, 2011
What is Key Club? Key Club is an international high school organization which emphasizes service in your school and community. A preview of what Key Club does: Recycling, Blood Drives, Special Olympics, Wheelchair Basketball, You We Me Festival, School Carnivals, Kiwanis sponsored events, Operation Christmas Child, UNICEF, Relay for Life, community projects and much more!
Who are the officers? Co-Presidents: Ella Anguiano & Uma Trivede Vice President: Ryan Mann Secretary: Kristy Kwon Treasurer: Kenneth Lam Editor: Tracy Tran Historian: Anna Baker Advisor: Mrs. Anguiano Advisor: Mrs. Davis
When do we meet? Every other Friday Usually 1st and 3rd of the month Room A-20, unless noted otherwise Last 20 to 30 minutes Other gatherings in Room B-5
How do you join? Fill out a handbook (more later) Pay your dues! $16 without t-shirt $25 with t-shirt Pay to the cashier by Monday, September 26th You can start paying on Tuesday, September 20th Have 5 IN hours, 5 OUT hours by March! Prizes/DCON discounts for those who do
T-Shirt ???????????????????????
How does Key Club work? Club level – high school clubs Division level – high schools grouped off by location; we’re division 32! District level – many different districts in the country, by location (Pacific Northwest or PNW) International level – clubs all around the world!
Why join? Connect with people all around the world Participate in projects on a school, division and district level Make long-lasting friendships Gain leadership skills that will help you for the rest of your life Have fun while helping your community!
Handbooks In Hours – service done at school Out Hours – service done outside of school No double dipping! Do NOT put in recycling hours…we will do that! Officers or organizer of event must sign off During the quarter, you keep your handbook End of quarter, return it to the box in Room B-5! TODAY: be sure to give us your name & e-mail!
How to contact us… Email us! Facebook Pages Website Officer emails are on the back of your handbooks and on our bulletin board Facebook Pages Like “Kentridge Key Club” or join our group! Website
Newsletter Monthly newsletter – “The Charger Chronicles” Sent out via email AND posted on bulletin board Includes important dates, events, opportunities, updates and pictures!
Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Program Guest Speakers – Varun Awasthi PNW District Governor James Eng Lt. Governor – Division 32
Class Director Election Election on Friday, Sept. 30th One Director per class Responsible for attending officer meetings, sending emails, and keeping their class informed on events Informational Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 20th 2:20 pm in Room B-5 Attendance is mandatory to run for position
Homecoming Help Friday, September 23rd Set Up Crew Saturday, September 24th Sunday, September 25th Clean Up Crew! Meet in the Gym Cookies & Treats needed Bring to B-5 anytime next week (hours given)
Blood Drive Monday, October 3rd Sign up during lunches starting September 26th Saving lives in our area Guest Speaker – Nikki Watkinson
Recycling After school EVERY Friday Meet in Room B-5 Go to different areas of the school in groups and pick up recycling First come, first serve Need all the help we can get!
Video? If we have time left… Popsicles!
NEXT MEETING September 30th