Types of Chemical Bonds By Lauren, Jared and Heather Types of Chemical Bonds
Ionic Bonds When an atom completely transfers an electron to another atom. They are neutrally charged but when they gain or loose electrons they become charged and ions form. Negatively charged ions are called anions. Positively charged ions are called cations. An example would be table salt (NaCl).
Salt and Jared!
Covalent Bonds They occur when an atoms share electrons, in such a way that the electrons fill the valence shell. An example of a covalent bond would be CO2, or carbon dioxide.
Carbon Dioxide
Carbon Dioxide and Jared!
Hydrogen Bond Hydrogen bonds are weak bonds which are formed when hydrogen is linked with nitrogen or oxygen atoms that are lacking electrons. An example of a hydrogen bond would be H2O, or water.
Water and Jared!
Works Cited Marieb, Elaine. “Chemical Bonds and Chemical Reactions / Bond Formation.” Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. Serina, Beauparlant. Eighth Edition. San Fransico: Daryl Fox, 2006. Pages 34-37.