Incremental Maintenance of XML Structural Indexes Ke Yi1, Hao He1, Ioana Stanoi2 and Jun Yang1 1Department of Computer Science, Duke University 2IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Motivation XML is gaining tremendously in popularity in recent years Used to represent many kinds of data Major DB vendors are rushing to incorporate solutions for native XML repositories and retrieval IBM DB2, Oracle , Microsoft SQL Server Tamino, Natix, X-Hive, …
Overview paper 1 13 section section 2 title 14 title 3 8 section 4 “experiments” exp “intro” algorithm 15 16 5 title 6 exp algorithm 9 title 10 proof 7 17 “A(k)-index” “1-index” 11 18 about proof about 12 uses
Label Path Expressions paper /paper/section/algorithm 1 13 section section 2 title 14 title 3 8 section 4 section “experiments” exp “intro” algorithm 15 16 5 title 6 exp algorithm 9 title 10 proof 7 17 “A(k)-index” “1-index” 11 18 about proof about 12 uses
Structural Indexes Why do we need them? Structural indexes Speedup the evaluation of path expressions Provides a structural summary of the data graph Structural indexes DataGuide [Goldman & Widom 97] 1-index [Milo & Suciu 99] A(k)-index [Kaushik et al. 02], D(k)-index [Qun et al. 03], M(k)-index [He & Yang 04] Integration of structural indexes and inverted lists [Kaushik et al. 04] Focus on maintenance Has a major effect on index efficiency Remains an overlooked issue
Outline “1-index” paper 1 13 section section 2 title 14 title 3 8 “experiments” exp “intro” algorithm 15 16 5 title 6 exp algorithm 9 title 10 proof 7 17 “A(k)-index” “1-index” 11 18 about proof about 12 uses
1-Index: Definition Constructed by using bisimilarity Definition based on stability Partition data nodes into index nodes dnode (v) and inode (I[v]) I[u] is v’s index parent if u is v’s parent An inode is stable if all of its dnodes have the same index parents In a 1-index, all inodes are stable I[u] u I[v] v
1-Index: Example /paper/section/algorithm paper paper 1 1 13 section title 14 section 2 2,4,8,13 section 8 4 section 3 15 exp exp title exp algorithm title algorithm 16 10 15,16 3,5,9,14 6,10 6 9 algorithm title 5 title 18 about proof proof 17 11 17,18 proof 7 7 uses 11 about about proof 12 12 /paper/section/algorithm uses data graph 1-index
1-Index: Quality paper Assigning dnodes that are bisimilar into different inodes does not affect correctness, but does affect efficiency The quality of an index 1 section 2,4 2,4,8,13 8,13 exp title algorithm 15,16 3,5,9,14 6,10 proof 11 17,18 # inodes 7 − 1 X 100% about # inodes in the minimum 1-index proof 12 uses Ideal: quality = 0%
Previous Results Construction Edge changes Subgraph addition The PT algorithm [Paige & Tarjan 87], in time O(m log n) m – # edges, n - # nodes Edge changes The propagate algorithm [Kaushik et al. 02] Quality of the 1-index after update No guarantee on the quality of the resulted index 3 ~ 5% after 500 edge insertions in experiments Subgraph addition Index-reconstruction
Edge Insertion: An Example (1) B A B A B C1 C2 C3 C1, C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 D1, D2 D3 D1, D2 D3 Data Graph 1-Index Split 1
Edge Insertion: An Example (2) B A B A B C1 C2 C3 C1 C2, C3 C1 C2, C3 D1 D2 D3 D1 D2 D3 D1 D2, D3 Split 2 Merge 1 Merge 2 Indeed the minimum 1-index for the data graph after update Not a coincidence!
Minimum & Minimal Indexes Minimum: with the smallest number of inodes Minimal: no two inodes can be merged R R R A1 A2 A1 A2 A1,A2 B1 B2 B1,B2 B1 B2 Data graph Minimum 1-index Minimal 1-index
Quality Guarantee Theorem: The split/merge algorithm always maintains a minimal 1-index Lemma: For acyclic data graphs, there is a unique minimal 1-index The minimum 1-index is always maintained For cyclic data graphs, there could be more than one minimal 1-index One of them is maintained
Outline “A(k)-index” paper 1 13 section section 2 title 14 title 3 8 “experiments” exp “intro” algorithm 15 16 5 title 6 exp algorithm 9 title 10 proof 7 17 “A(k)-index” “1-index” 11 18 about proof about 12 uses
A(k)-Index: Definition k-bisimilarity Definition based on stability A(0)-index: partition by label … A(k)-Index An inode in A(k)-index is stable if all of its dnodes have the same index parents in A(k-1)-index Only interested in paths of length ≤k Shown to be much smaller and more efficient than 1-index [Kaushik et al. 02] But, no efficient maintenance algorithms are known!
A(k)-index: Example R R R R A B A B A B A B C1 C2 C3 C1 C2,C3 C1 C2,C3 Data graph A(2) (=1-index) A(1) A(0) Maintenance of A(i)-index requires the information in A(i-1)-index
A(k)-index: Refinement Tree B A B A B A B C1 C2 C3 C1 C2,C3 C1 C2,C3 C1,C2,C3 C4,C5,C6 C4 C5 C6 C4 C5,C6 C4,C5,C6 Data graph A(2) (=1-index) A(1) A(0)
A(k)-index: Refinement Tree B A B A B A B C1 C2 C3 C C C C C C4 C5 C6 C C C Data graph A(2) A(1) A(0) Reduce storage cost Reduce maintenance cost 0.5% ~ 13% additional storage
Quality Guarantee Theorem: The split/merge algorithm always maintains A(k)-index Lemma: There is a unique minimal A(k)-index for any data graph, acyclic or cyclic the minimum a minimal 1-index A(k)-index Acyclic minimum Cyclic minimal
Outline “experiments” paper 1 13 section section 2 title 14 title 3 8 “intro” algorithm 15 16 5 title 6 exp algorithm 9 title 10 proof 7 17 “A(k)-index” “1-index” 11 18 about proof about 12 uses
Experiments on Edge Changes Datasets Real-life: IMDB (272,000 nodes) Benchmark: XMark (198,000 nodes) Setup First delete a portion of existing ID-REF links Then do random mixed insertions/deletions Compare with 1-index: propagate (+ reconstruction) A(k)-index: recompute affected portion (+ reconstruction)
Experiment Results: 1-index
Experiment Results: A(k)-index speedup 2 1.35 3 6.15 4 16.6 5 15.3 running times
Conclusions The first solutions for the maintenance (edge & subgraph additions/deletions) of 1-index and A(k)-index that are both effective and efficient Effective: quality guarantee on the resulted index Efficient: the algorithms themselves are fast Thank you!
Graphical Illustration size valid 1-index merge split index the index can only grow in size due to splitting, if merging is not enforced