Pyroclastic Materials Inside Volcanoes Lots of Lava Pyroclastic Materials Types of Volcanoes Causes of Eruptions 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy
What are the two types of volcanoes scientists have classified?
Explosive & Non-explosive $100 Explosive & Non-explosive Back
What is usually ejected from a non-explosive eruption?
$200 lava Back
What is usually ejected from explosive eruptions?
pyroclastic materials $300 pyroclastic materials Back
What is the body of molten rock deep underground that feeds a volcano?
$400 magma chamber Back
What type of low-density, igneous rock is created by explosive eruptions? (Hint: it can float in water!)
$500 pumice Back
What type of lava is named by the Hawaiians for the way it makes you feel when you walk on it with bare feet?
$100 Aa Back
What type of lava is runny, slow, and always flows out of non-explosive volcanoes?
$200 pahoehoe Back
What type of lava is created when volcanoes erupt underwater?
$300 pillow Back
What type of lava is cool & stiff and does not travel far from an erupting vent?
$400 blocky Back
Which lava is the most viscous and travels very slowly?
$500 pahoehoe Back
What pyroclastic materials are formed when gases in stiff magma expand very quickly into microscopic particles?
$100 ash Back
What pyroclastic material are little cinders that cool before they hit the ground?
$200 lapilli Back
What pyroclastic materials are formed when magma hardens in the air and spins as it cools, before hitting the ground?
$300 volcanic bombs Back
What types of pyroclastic materials are formed when solid pieces of rock are ejected from volcanoes?
$400 volcanic blocks Back
What is formed when pyroclastic materials mix with water after an explosive eruption?
$500 lahar Back
What volcanoes tend to be the highest in elevation and form from explosive eruptions?
Composite (Strato) Volcanoes $100 Composite (Strato) Volcanoes Back
What type of volcanoes are formed from repeated non-explosive eruptions?
$200 Shield Volcanoes Back
What type of volcanoes are formed from moderately explosive eruptions and composed of pyroclastic materials?
$300 Cinder Cone Volcanoes Back
What volcanic landform is created when a magma chamber’s roof partially collapses and causes the ground above it to sink?
$400 caldera Back
What volcanic landform is created from non-explosive lava buildups over millions of years?
$500 lava plateau Back
Most volcanoes are located around the Ring of Fire, which is on what tectonic plate?
$100 Pacific Plate Back
Volcanoes that form away from tectonic plate boundaries usually rest on top of these?
$200 hot spot Back
Volcanoes can become explosive if either of these two ingredients mix with the magma.
$300 water & silica Back
What causes a rapid expansion of super heated liquid water molecules to turn into gaseous steam molecules, making magma much more explosive?
release of pressure (Boyle’s Law) $400 release of pressure (Boyle’s Law) Back
Rift zones can be found at which type of plate boundary?
divergent plate boundary $500 divergent plate boundary Back
What is the tallest mountain in the world at over 36,000 feet What is the tallest mountain in the world at over 36,000 feet? (Hint: it is a perfect example of a shield volcano)
Mauna Kea Back