How Do I Enter Additional Details in an Appointment? GPC One-Pager How Do I Enter Additional Details in an Appointment? OA/OPCs, A/OPCs, DAAs PIEE/JAM Additional details can be added to appointments to better reflect local requirements beyond those captured in the standard appointment required by DoD policy. What else do I need to know? You can enter up to 2,000 characters in the “Additional Details” text area. To format the text as paragraphs with line breaks, add the code “[P]” at the beginning of each intended paragraph. (Note that the coding is case sensitive, so you must use a capital “P” for this function.) It is recommended that you create a Word document with the needed information and coding (see above), which you can copy and paste into the system. Save the Word document for future application. Why would I want to include additional details? You might need to include organization-specific information, such as requirements for local training or requirements from an Agency FAR Supplement. Are there any constraints? The system does not allow an OA/OPC or A/OPC to specify additions to their own appointments. …However, the DAA can add such details when approving appointments. In the future, an OA/OPC or A/OPC will be able to include additional details when appointing CHs and A/BOs. The DoD PCPO does NOT recommend adding any specifics related to SmartPay®3 or disciplinary action. For A/BOs and CHs, disciplinary actions are captured as part of the Statement of Understanding. For a copy of the standard DoD appointment letters, see the SmartPay® 3 Transition Information and DoD Purchase Card Electronic Tools webpage. 28 Nov 2018 3OP:008 PIEE DAU DPC/Purchase Card (Can be clicked in Slide Show mode)